25 [Rewritten]

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This chapter includes a rape scene.
The readers not comfortable with it should skip the paragraphs between the symbols "#"
Also, Mr Im is a fictional character.
Thank you!

Namjoon had gone to meet his friends knowing they would be there.

"Oh Sehun!" He cheered as he found the man and gave him a bro-hug.

Sehun smiled and responded to the hug. "Man where were you?"

Namjoon broke the hug, "I was with Jin hyung."

Sehun raised his eyebrows, "Uh Huh! Jin hyung huh?"

Namjoon chuckled, "Yeah, he is training me to become better professionally." Sehun nodded and offered Namjoon drinks from the table. Namjoon took them happily. He downed a few drinks and was having a good time with his other friends when Namjoon's father came with Mr Im by his side, "Namjoon."

He called him and Namjoon shook his head, "I'll be back."

Sehun gave a sympathetic look, "Take care." Namjoon nodded and went to his father.

His father gave Namjoon a fake smile and he returned the smile and looked at the person next to him. He bowed to both of them. Namjoon's father looked at Mr Im, "This is my son Namjoon."

Mr Im smiled, "I've met him before. When I was having a meeting with Seokjin-shi."

Namjoon nodded and smiled, "Yes, I remember."

Namjoon's father came closer to Namjoon and whispered, "Keep him company for some time and don't ruin it for me. Got it?" Namjoon gulped and nodded. His father backed away and gave a fake smile again, "I have to meet some people, you guys enjoy." He parted from them.

Mr Im looked at Namjoon and smiled, "Why don't we talk somewhere else?" Namjoon wanted to deny so bad but he couldn't. He didn't want to be a failure in his father's eyes again. He just nodded and followed Im to where he was going. They sat at a table and talked about random stuff. Namjoon wanted to leave the place so bad but he was really stuck. "You want some drinks?" Mr Im asked suddenly. Namjoon denied the offer politely but Mr Im still went to grab drinks for them. He came back sooner than Namjoon had thought. Namjoon had to drink the alcohol though he wanted you to be with Jin right now, getting wasted and drunk out of his wits.

After drinking the glass he could not keep his mind straight. He tried to make out figures but it was all blurry and disillusioned. When he saw the person sitting next to him, it was blurry. "I want to go home." He tried to get up but fell back.

"It's okay, I'll take you home." He heard a voice. He didn't know if he could trust the voice or not but he went with it anyway. Before he knew they were in a room with him lying on the bed and someone hovering upon him. He tried to clear his vision, but it was too hard. When the vision cleared a bit, the man looked like Jin but he couldn't calm down. Was he even Jin? He went with it.


"I'm going to show you a good time Namjoon."

Namjoon heard someone. It sounded like Jin, but Jin never called him 'Namjoon' when they were being intimate. The man started kissing him but when Namjoon didn't respond to the kiss, he went for the neck. He started unbuttoning Namjoon's shirt. Before he could even protest the shirt was off him. He felt a hand roaming in his body. The man rubbed his hand over his nipple and a soft whimper escaped Namjoon's mouth.

No! This is wrong. I'm not comfortable. "Jin hyung stop, please! I don't want this. P-please!"

The man spanked his thigh, "Shut up slut! I don't want to hear no as an answer. I will do whatever I want with you."

Namjoon felt a hand on his crotch and he started crying, "N-no please! Stop. Please please please, I beg you. Please stop this."

The man was about to remove his pants when...


As soon as he saw Jin he gasped, "Jin hyung! Please make this stop! I don't like this!"


Yoongi separated Namjoon from Mr Im and punched him hard in the face. Namjoon was crying bitterly. Jin's fist clenched and he also punched the businessman in the face hard enough to make him throw up blood. The man laughed hard even though it was burning like a bitch. Jin held him by the collar, "What did you do to him?"

The man laughed, "Nothing. He just thinks I'm you and that you tried to rape him." Jin started hitting the man really hard, to the point where he was almost unconscious.

Jimin intervened and stopped Jin, "Jin, take care of Namjoon first. Leave him to me. Please." He snapped at Jimin and calmed down a bit. He saw Namjoon who was still crying in Yoongi's arms.

He went to Namjoon and tried to hug him, but Namjoon flinched at the touch. Jin moved away from Namjoon slowly, "It's okay Joonie, no one is going to do anything that you don't want. Okay? Can I touch you, baby?" Namjoon's sob got cut off by a hiccup but he nodded. Jin ran his hands through Namjoon's hair and cupped his face, "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry for not coming earlier." 

Namjoon's crying had subsided into sobs. Jin looked around and found Namjoon's shirt and coat. He collected the clothes and made sure that Namjoon was well covered and carried Namjoon bridal style to Yoongi's car. It took him a few minutes to put Namjoon in the back seat and instruct Yoongi to take him home safely. They found Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook and told them what had happened. Hoseok immediately went to Namjoon and hugged Namjoon. Letting him cuddle closer as he finally lost his battle to sleep. Jin smiled and kissed his forehead, "I'm sorry baby."

The next day Namjoon woke up with a groan. His head was throbbing hard. He held it in his hands and started to register the surroundings. He huffed at the headache and wondered why it was hurting. A realisation hit him like a truck.

Jin hyung tried to...

He gasped and a tear fell from his eye. He sniffled and tried to whip the tear but more came out instead. He flinched when the door of his bedroom opened but calmed when he saw Hoseok and Yoongi entering the room. Hoseok had a tray of breakfast in his hand. They sat on each side of Namjoon with a worried expression.

Yoongi finally broke his silence, "Joon-ah, please say something."

Namjooon's tears finally flew with rage, "I thought- I thought he was different."

Hoseok stroked his hair, "Who?"

Namjoon hitched but still answered, "Ji- Jin hyung."

Yoongi and Hoseok realised what was happening. Yoongi took Namjon's hand in his and made him look at himself, "Do you trust your hyung?" Namjon nodded slightly. "Then trust me when I say It wasn't Jin."

Namjoon was really confused and his headache wasn't helping much, "But I remembered him-"

"It was an illusion, Joon-ah." Hoseok cut him off. When he saw Namjoon's confused face, He smiled and offered the bread he had made for Namjoon, "Eat up and take the medicine. Then we will tell you what happened, okay?"

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