10 [Rewritten]

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Namjoon reached university on time. For the first time in his whole life, he reached an educational premise on time. Every student was staring at him like they saw a ghost. He wasn't a bully but if you cross his path, you can be in the hospital the next day. They didn't understand how Hoseok was friends with him and not afraid of him. They even saw Hoseok hitting Namjoon in a playful manner and thus, they feared the duo. No one disturbed them when they were in university. Not even the teachers.

They were not the only feared duo. The other feared duo was Teakook, as everyone called them. The bunny looking guy is always hanging out in the gym in his free time and everyone has drooled over his body at least once. And the other gives out an eerie vibe when he is near. He looks hot but no one dares to come near him. He is sort of a fashion statement. The students always saw them together, so they think that the duo is dating because many of them have seen them being touchy with each other.

The two duos at the university were very popular. The richest people in the university. Everyone knew that Namjoon was the heir of The Kim's. But no-one knew how Taehyung was so rich and still never came in the media. Many people wanted them to cross paths and have the fight to see who would win but they never crossed the path. That was till Jungkook saw Hoseok dancing. Next day he also took Taehyung with him to show the dancer. They both were mesmerised. Taehyung almost went there to talk to him but then he aborted the mission thinking that he'll probably scare the guy away.

Today when Namjoon came walking to the university, there were gossips erupting in the university. The people who hate him started the gossip that he must have been kicked out of the house for being bisexual. And honestly, he didn't care what people think about him. He just walked past the people whispering behind his back. Yoongi had left to go to the cafe so he was alone because Hoseok probably would come by car and would still be late. He went to class and saw Taehyung. He reminded him that the brother of this guy is torturing him. He was about to kick Taehyung's ass when suddenly he thought of Hoseok. He would be very upset with Namjoon for doing it, so he just went to Taehyung and smiled sarcastically. The class expected some drama and everyone stopped what they were doing. Taehyung was sitting next to Jungkook and Jungkook sensed the tension. He glared daggers at Namjoon ready to beat the shit out of him if he laid a finger on Taehyung.

Taehyung stood up from his seat, hands in his jeans' pocket, "That smile would have been amazing if it was not sarcastic." Taehyung smirked and waited for the comeback.

Namjoon chuckled, "It would have been real if your brother would have been treating me right."

Taehyung laughed, "Then you must have pissed him off really well. And don't you dare talk trash about him. He is more capable than your dumbass!"

Namjoon's blood was boiling by now. The Kim brothers were really getting on his nerves. He grabbed Taehyung by his collar and Jungkook jumped from his seat and yanked Namjoon's hand in one slap, "Touch him again and you won't be able to get out of this room on foot."

Namjoon laughed, "So you got your man to save you huh? Guess I don't need one."

Taehyung chuckled, "Says the one who is always in the shadow of his 'Bodyguard'! Come on Namjoon grow up!"

Namjoon smirked, "How does your brother not see that you are a bigger brat than me?"

Taehyung's face becomes deadpan serious, "Because I behave with people according to what attitude they give me."

Namjoon smiled, this time a genuine one, "I actually like you. You are like me a lot. The sad thing that your brother tortures me."

Taehyung narrows his eyes, "I like you too actually. And I can't do anything about my brother, he is kinda rough with brats."

Namjoon laughs half-heartedly, "Nice to meet you, finally." He looks at Jungkook, "No hard feelings bro." Jungkook gave a curt nod.

Namjoon goes back to his place and as a cue, Hoseok comes in and goes directly to Namjoon, "What happened? Why is there a pin drop silence?"

Namjoon looks at him and smirks, "I was talking to Taehyung."

Those words were enough to make Hoseok tense, "What did you do Namjoon?"

Namjoon looked at Taehyung, "Nothing, just made your way a little simpler." Hoseok didn't understand what he was talking about and was about to ask when the professor entered the class. He saw Taehyung and Jungkook. He became sad again knowing that the two were probably dating and he had no chance with Taehyung. He looked at Jungkook and felt something similar he would feel when he looked at Taehyung, but he shrugged the feeling off.

The lectures passed by and it was break time. Hoseok was sitting alone waiting for Namjoon and probably Yoongi to come. When he saw Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung was sitting on Jungkook's lap and they were talking and laughing. Jungkook caught him staring at them. He smirked and whispered something in Taehyung's ears and he saw Hoseok had averted his gaze to something else. Taehyung whispered something to Jungkook again and Jungkook nodded.

Jungkook stared at Hoseok, "Okay so he is thinking 'Shit they caught me. And now the bunny guy is staring at me. Probably warning me to not look at his man.' How rude."

Taehyung laughed, "Shut up Jungkook and focus."

Jungkook nodded and stared at Hoseok again, "He looks so amazing. He is thinking, 'But the bunny guy is cute too. Ugh, Hobi, collect yourself. What the fuck are you thinking.' Oh, he thinks liking two people at once is not good. You know what to do."

Taehyung smirks and looks at Hoseok, "It's okay to like two people at once." He whispers manipulatively and Hoseok's eyes widen, 'Yeah it's okay to like two people at once.'

Jungkook gives Taehyung a high five. Taehyung nods to Jungkook and stands up from his lap, followed by Jungkook. They go to the table where Hoseok is sitting. Taehyung sits across Hoseok and Jungkook sits beside him. Taehyung starts the conversation, "Hi. I'm Kim Taehyung and this is Jeon Jungkook. We would like to be friends with you." The cafeteria was silent again. The duo had approached Hoseok when he was alone and no one went to him when he was alone afraid of what Namjoon may do to them.

Hoseok smiled, "I am Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you and it's always better to make more friends." Taehyung extended a hand to shake and Hoseok happily accepted it.

But the real drama began when Namjoon saw them. 

Two Worlds [NAMJIN]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora