Chapter 26 - I Present To You, Mr and Mrs....

Start from the beginning

Feel my body rise out of the chair on its own accord, hands curling into fists.

When one guy all but drools down his chin as he walks past her. But his partner's swift knuckle to the ribs takes care of his  little fantasies.

I force myself to get back to the task. Quickly locate the perfect shot and start adding some text.

We'd gone out for a couple of hours snorkelling on a nearby reef at Cayo Santa Maria. The guy who motored the little dive boat snapped this pic of us on the way back.

'She makes my heart skip a beat'  I type the comment, pausing slightly before my finger lands on the enter key.

As soon as the announcement of our engagement finished falling out of my mouth that night....on stage while filming the Talking Dead? My online accounts basically went into meltdown.

Some comments were from friends who knew and friends who didn't. Congratulating the both of us.

The trolls then came out to play en masse. And while I try hard to not read their vile comments, I've had to restrict more than a few of them on my Instagram or Twitter accounts.

The others I don't really need to take care fans do that for me.

Jeez, I love them to death!

Wishing me the best and racing to her defence. Shooting down in flames all those hardcore types they nickname 'Fin-atics'.

Yet for every hater, there are literally dozens more who give us genuine support. I always thank them on behalf of both me and  Skip.

Don't tell her what's going down though. She's my wingman in the flesh and doing one hell of a job so far. It's the least I can do in return, to protect her online.

I scroll through even more pics, smiling in happy memory of when they were taken.

I'm rapt that Fin enjoyed our honeymoon as much as I did. And when she agreed to go back with me I was ecstatic. Started madly planning away in my head all the things we'll get up to, the next time around.

She's just the best travelling companion. Her unfettered excitement over everything we discovered, matched....and sometimes surpassed mine. I can't help but revel in it.

Yep, it was the fucking best! And I find myself actually looking forward to all the trips we have coming up for my work in the next few months.

London, Japan, France, San Diego....


"Daggy....Oh no...."

I glance up to see her placing our cups on the table. Before she crouches in front of me, hands reaching towards my face in distress.

"Yeah I know, sweetheart. It's not too  bad yet. Think it was the pressurized cabin that did it? Plus it was pretty cold on that flight. The changes in temp make it flare up. It'll be Ok, don't fret."

Her fingertips sweep gently over the puffiness that's starting to form around my bad eye. I've been ignoring it so far, hoping it'll eventually die down. Or the worst will hold off until we arrive home.

Wishful thinking, huh  🥺


"Please, tell me....what can I do? Please, babe? "

Fin is almost crying. Watching helplessly as I clutch my face and try not to moan out loud.

We still have over an hour to go until touchdown in Atlanta. And much as I hate to concede defeat....give in? I know I don't have an option anymore.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now