♔︎|𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

Start from the beginning

"What exactly do you mean?" Hernandez questioned.

"If something is slaughtered or sliced a more or less symmetrical pattern is made. Here, the case is otherwise. What I think is that someone has bitten off her head. Look at these curved and odd patterns. Her skin is dangling off in a very weird way as if there's no volume inside it as if all the blood has been either evaporated or taken out," I looked at the areas where Genevieve has highlighted. She was right. There was something unusual.

"And the fact remains, what is the killer or psychopath implying here? Why did he of all the people in this castle choose your room?" She questioned.

"A grudge," Hernandez replied.

"The person is an enemy. I don't know why, but I feel as if something bad is about to break down," Genevieve whispered. She looked frightened.

Once again my gut feeling rose. The same aggravating feeling came. I looked at Hernandez who was already looking freaked out by seeing the head.

Marilyn shouldn't have gone through this. It was me who had to endure the pain, not others. Just the thought of her going through such a horrid pain makes me want to rip that bastard to shreds.

By morning everyone came to know about the sudden death of Marilyn. Only our family members and close wolf guards knew about the cause of death. The rest assumed it was an accident. We couldn't tell everyone at this point, it's a threat. A danger.

It was a very tragic morning. Mother was severely affected because Marilyn was with mother during her hardest times. Right now, all of us were standing by the woodsy lake. Everyone's heads were down, it was them showing respect or maybe they were scared or afraid of seeing what's in front of them. The magnitude of despair was evident in everyone's eyes, nobody could even think of this day. The funeral was all black. Everybody had black clothes with white faces, eyes were swollen red.

The air was cool around us all, pricking us further as if the death wasn't enough. Dorian, mother, and even Bellamy had tears freely flowing down their cheeks. Everyone along with Marilyn's family was sharing their deepest memories and paying respect to her coffin as a sign of goodbye, even though she was already gone...far away from all of us.

We were unwillingly acknowledging the finality of death. It is hard for us supernatural creatures to face death. We take time to realize that death comes for all. A bitter truth.

Marilyn's coffin was beautifully made. She used to tell us that whenever she dies her body should be covered with pure white cloth and on top of it should be her favorite flowers, lilies. At first, we didn't pay attention to it because we thought this day wouldn't come but now that it has, it's hard to accept.

Our pack symbol was beautifully carved on it as well. She didn't represent our pack, our pack represented her. She wasn't just a pack member, she was family.

Following the werewolf tradition, Dorian lit her body with a torch of fire and instantly fire engulfed. As a king, I pushed her body into the lake. We all saw how her body traveled along the lake until it couldn't be seen. Her family and we stayed there for a little longer. It was getting dark soon, I advised her family to get back home.


Bellamy Rose

How magical is to even live, to breathe, to move but all that ends when death takes over. When a person dies, they are only remembered for a day or two then people forget and move on. Getting to know about Marilyn's harsh death has infested this fear inside of me. I don't know how to feel when someone close to you dies. Papa has gone through this stage when my mother died but I still haven't. And honestly, I don't want to.

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