The Stripper Who Cried Wolf - Chapter 18

Start from the beginning

"Every five minutes," I replied, stroking my baby bump. 


I rolled my eyes. "I've been in labour since half past twelve."

"Why didn't you wake me?" He asked, his eyes full of worry. 

So protective. 

"Because I knew you'd act like this," I smiled, "Everything's fine. I waited until I couldn't wait anymore."

"I'll call David." As he pulled out his cell phone and dialed David, a huge contraction racked me, causing me to grip the bed in pain. 

Jordan rubbed my back encouragingly as he waited for David to answer. 

"Babies are coming, Doc." He said, no pleasantries. 

He put the phone on loud speaker and dropped it on the bed so that I could hold his hand as I breathed through the contraction. 

"Fawn, how long are the contractions?" David's voice came. I could hear him shuffling about as he talked to me. 

"Every five minutes but they're getting faster," I bit out, breathing again as Jordan encouraged me and told me I was going good. 

"Has your waters broken?" He came again.


"What time?"

"Umm," I tried to think. "It was between four AM and four-thirty Am."

"Jordan, bring her in. Keep her comfortable and make sure she keeps her breathing routine going. Time the contractions and call me if anything changes." David commanded through the phone.

"Drugs!" I cried into the phone. "Don't forget the drugs!"

And then we hung up, David promising the drugs will be ready and waiting for me.

I relaxed myself and open my eyes, staring at the phone. "Call Maggie."

"What, Bambi?" Jordan murmured, stroking my back. 

"Maggie. I want Maggie here, too." I cried out, stressing a little. "I need a woman with me who knows what I'm going through. Please Jordan, I want Maggie."

As Jordan called Maggie I took off my pyjama shorts off and swapped them for some thicker pyjama pants. 

With Maggie promising to meet me at David's surgery I allowed Jordan to help me down the stairs. I grabbed four bottles of Lucozade for good measure as Jordan raced upstairs and brought the carseats and the bags down. 

By the time he had the carseats in the car, I already drank a full bottle of lucozade. 

Jordan waited as I used the bathroom, my bladder full already. As I cam out Jordan had his coat on ready and the car keys in the other hand. 

"Ready?" He asked, his voice full of excitement. 

I nodded, finally feeling excited. Our babies were coming! "Let's go have our babies."

Jordan took my hand and helped me in the car. But before we left another contraction hit me and I gripped the dashboard screaming.

"Oh God!" I cried out, "There isn't a word strong enough to say how hard that contraction was!"

"Don't worry, baby." Jordan soothed, stroking my back affectionately. "Drugs are on their way."

I nodded and continued to use the dashboard as Jordan drove, constantly encouraging me and praising me. Whenever he could he stroked my back and held my hand. 

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