"What? I'm so confused."

"Well dad is helping Los Santos expand internationally which meant someone had to marry a Santo member, Oscar here known as Spooky is the one they picked to marry me. But instead of just going along with the whole marriage bull crap, we're dating."

"That makes no sense."

"Agreed." Oscar says.

"That's whatever. I'm going to call Connor and see what the hell is going on." Agnes walked into a backroom and called someone. Leaving me and Oscar alone for the first time since our banter about stupid nicknames.

Oscar sat down on the couch next to me cautiously.

"Your aunt's a General in the U.S. Marines?" I nodded.

"Grans took her to America after Poppy died. Agnes' seventeen years younger than my dad. So she's been here since she was sixteen."

"How old is she?"

"I think forty-nine. Aggi was sixteen when Nicky was born. He's twenty-six so...."

"She's forty-two." I smiled at his quick math.

"Look at Mister smarty-pants." Oscar playfully pushes me.

"Says the one with two college degrees." I nod.

"I was thinking about getting a third." Oscar turns his head to look at me.

"Not even gonna give me a chance to get an associates?"

"It was just a thought. If Aggi comes out here with bad news we're both going into hiding so no more college." Oscar's relaxed face tenses up and I pull his head towards mine.

"We'll be fine. Unclench your jaw." He relaxed for a second and then Aggi came out with a face I've never seen before.

"You're pregnant?" I could barely register her voice it was so quiet.

"What? No." Aggi waved her phone.

"Ira just said that you were." I looked at Oscar and back to Aggi.

"I'm not pregnant."

"How can you be sure? Have you taken a test?"

"No. I think Ira is mistaken."

"Anastasia don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying aunt Aggi. Ira probably got the sister wrong." 

Aggi's eyes widen and she covered her now open mouth with her hand. "Eve's pregnant?" I nodded.

"Who the hell would tell Ira anything? She only told me and ....." I turned my head to Oscar. "Evie told everyone didn't she?" Oscar nodded.

"At the party." 

I slammed my hands down on the couch and got off it. "You've been working with Ira for weeks one of those dumbasses probably said it was me to cover for Evie. And now someone's told my dad." I needed to punch something.

"Call your father. NOW." Aggi demands.

I dialed his private line and after a ring someone picked up.

(Call is in Russian not English; just didn't feel like translating today.)

This is the Duchess. Where's my father?  I demanded.

D-Anastasia.  His deep voice bellowed through the receiver.

Father. I believe you received false information about me.


Someone told you that I'm pregnant. I'm not. 

He was speaking to someone in background but I couldn't hear.

D-Anastasia, I don't have a clue about what you speak of.

Then why were there two Embassy cars flying down the streets of Freeridge coming towards me?

D-I don't know but I'll find out.

Father, if you lie about this, you will find out how terrifying you made me. You don't send someone the call and expect them to be fine.

D-YOU RECEIVED WHAT?! He didn't send me that call, he would have been more tune to figure out where I was.

If you didn't send me the call then, who called me?

I turned around to look at Aggi and Oscar. Their faces were clenched, unemotional, eyes focused on me.

Dad, who sent the call?

D-Are you safe?

I'm with Aggi at Twenty-nine Palms. Oscar's with me as well. WHO THE HELL SENT THE CALL?!

D-Ana, you're not safe until I can't straighten things out but, it was Igor.

I let out a few too many swear words and started slamming things down on Aggi's desk.


I'm gonna end all this bullshit, like you should have done for me four years ago.

D-Do not go back to Freeridge. That is an order. DO YOU HEAR ME?

Yes, your Imperial Emperor. I gritted out.

D-I'll call you when everything is straightened out.

Okay, thank you.

I hung up and slammed down a couple more things.

"Aggi were gonna need a place to stay for a little bit." 

"Follow me shithead." Oscar grabbed my hand and dragged me behind my aunt.

            A few soldiers stopped and saluted Aggi, we got into the Jeep and Aggi directed me towards her quarters. It was just like the previous building but instead of offices it was bedrooms. Aggi stopped and ushered us into the stairwell leading to the second floor.

"This one is mine. You two can stay in this one. Breakfast is at oh-seven hundred hours. I'm gonna grab you both a few things to wear to blend in. Did you grab your clothes?" I patted my duffel bag. She saluted me and then curtsied. Being her superior was annoying.

I thanked her and walked into my new bedroom. 

It had a bunkbed and a small bathroom. 

Much nicer than the last military base I was sent to.

Oscar laid down on the bottle bunk and shut his eyes. It had been a long day and clearly affected not just me because Oscar started snoring practically as soon as his head hit the pillow. 

The shower was cold but very necessary. 


My phone started vibrating and alerting me to the call from the sink. I grabbed it before this call could drop.

Hello Ana.

Leave me alone Igor.

I-Never. You're mine.

I'm not an object you can possess. Leave me alone.

I slammed the phone into the sink. It rang again, but I didn't answer it. I threw it into the shower as I got out. The water slowly seeped into the cracks, killing the electronic entirely. I killed the water and waited for the phone to ring again yet it never did. I dressed in the navy blue pajamas provided to us by my aunt and the United States Government. 

Oscar was out cold and I didn't want to wake him so I climbed to the top bunk and fell into a similar slumber moments later.

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