Chapter 34

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The bowl shattered all over the floor as Jimin released it, grabbing his head. His body ached as if it had been struck and a mental cry of anguish rattled his senses. Following the agonized cry, Jimin transported to wherever Taehyung was.

Moments later, Jimin was standing on a random sidewalk, watching as a car sped away and Taehyung's cat form slowly shifted to his true form.

"No." Jimin breathed, stepping off the sidewalk and racing toward his friend. Shifters were always able to hold their form in any situation, unless they'd received life threatening injuries. That Taehyung hadn't stayed in cat form was terrifying to Jimin. Taehyung was the one person in the world he counted as a friend. Losing Taehyung would be unacceptable.

Jimin dropped to his knees when he reached his friend's side. Taehyung wheezed as Jimin gently rolled him over. Panic gripped Jimin's chest, squeezing his lungs like a vice. Taehyung couldn't die; as long as Jimin was alive and magic thrummed through him he would never let his friend die like this. Taehyung's gaze drifted around, looking but not truly seeing.

Jimin? Came a weak whisper into Jimin's mind. A sob worked its way up Jimin's throat at the weak sound of his friend's voice in his mind.

"I'm here, Tae. I'm here. I'm going to fix this. You're going to be okay." Jimin said in a rush, pulling at the well of magic within him. If he could erase an evil man from existence then he could surely keep his friend from dying.

It's no use. A wet cough sputtered forth from Taehyung. There's no saving me. I'm too hurt.

"Don't say that!" Jimin yelled, hot angry tears rolling down his cheeks. Placing his hands over Taehyung's chest he closed his eyes and willed his magic to flow into his friend, to heal his friend. The warmth of magic spread from Jimin's chest, down his arms, and into his hands where he could feel it flowing into Taehyung.

Taehyung's breathing came easier for a moment before wheezing and wet coughs picked up again. Sweat beaded on Jimin's temple as he focused with all his might, willing every drop of magic he had within him to save his friend. He knew it would leave him exhausted and vulnerable if he used all his magic this way, but saving his friend would be worth it. But it's not enough whispered through his mind. Taehyung is right. I don't have enough magic within me to save him.

As despair gripped him, he lost his hold on the flow of his magic and felt it start to syphon back into him. Panic seized him anew when he realized what was happening. Whatever healing he had accomplished wasn't going to stick; he didn't have enough magic to save Taehyung. Taehyung's body was rejecting the healing. In his training, Jimin had heard of this happening. Sometimes when someone was mortally wounded pouring an excess of magic into them with the intent to heal was enough to kickstart the wounded's magical healing response. Other times though, even if it took every ounce of magic within a being if there wasn't enough magic the wounded body would reject the healing to preserve the healer and let the wounded die.

"No. No. NO!" Jimin shouted, the panic within him so strong that on his final cry a burst of magic emitted from him.

Jimin, it's okay. You tried your best. Taehyung though, his voice in Jimin's mind was so quiet it was almost impossible to hear. I'm blessed to have a friend as wonderful as you.

Sob's shook Jimin's body. This can't be happening! How could I have failed him? Though he was exhausted, he placed his hands over Taehyung's chest again, unwilling to accept the fact that his friend was departing this world. Before Jimin could start pouring his magic into his friend again, Taehyung took one last, shuddering breath and stilled. Jimin's mouth gaped open in shock and horror. His hands started to slide from Taehyung's chest, when suddenly he felt someone transport next to him

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