Elise flicked me on the nose. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"For calling me difficult," She said before turning her chin up and storming ahead of me. Curse those long legs of hers. Using them against me.

"I didn't mean to say it aloud."

She abruptly stopped walking and flicked me in the forehead this time.

"Damn it Elise, what was that for?"

She smirked, "You didn't say it before. I just assumed you were thinking it."

"Curse you and your psychology knowledge."

She laughed and grabbed my wrist so she could pull me alongside her. "Oh Sophia, stop complaining so much and just enjoy the day! I promise, I'll make sure you have fun."

"And Elise Woods never breaks her promises," I said in a mocking tone, laughing. It was only moments later that we made in to the coffee house, giggle fits already under way.


Two days after I returned home, I broke things off with Gavin. Even though I hadn't considered us to be in a real relationship in the first place, I knew how he felt and I also knew it was the right thing to do. I'm too much of an emotional jumble for someone like him, he deserves better. He took it reasonably well, I guess.

"You know what? I've kind of seen this coming," He had admitted after a moment of silence. He said it in an admirably calm tone of voice, and even shook his head at himself.

"What do you mean?" I had asked.

He shrugged, "I guess it wasn't really going anywhere with us."

"Oh. I'm, I'm sorry."

He shook it off, "No, no, it's fine. I'd never match up to that Will Harvey anyways. Damn professional athletes, always steal the girls." He chuckled at this and I did too.

"He didn't steal me, Gavin," I assured him, knowing he probably wouldn't understand completely what I meant but needing to say it anyways.

He nodded, "You're right. He can't steal back what he never lost in the first place." I blinked at his understanding in surprise, and he met my eyes with a small, knowing smile.

I could only give him a smile, since I wasn't entirely sure how to respond to that. Diving in to a conversation about mine and Will's feelings is probably not one to have with Gavin. He gave me a half-hearted smile, "Goodbye, Sophia."


"Easily the best chocolate cake ever," I spat to Elise and Andrew through a mouthful of rich chocolate. Andrew knew of this amazing little shop that sold, according to him, 'the best desserts in the Big Apple.'

"Told ya so!" Andrew smirked.

"Slow down, you're going to choke!" Elise laughed.

"If I die choking on this chocolate cake, I will go down with dignity."

"Well at least savor each bite, you're eating it too fast," Elise told me, a wide grin on her face. I heard a click and looked up to see Andrew's phone camera pointed at me.

"Wow, you are really something. Look at the chocolate on her face," Andrew snickered before showing Elise the picture.

"No shame in the stuffing your face game," I shrugged before taking another heaping spoonful. "Do they give out recipes? I don't even need the cake batter one, just the frosting would make me so happy."

Andrew let out another bark of laughter, "Oh my god, you are such, a freaking, dork!" He was apparently amused by this, as he inserted dramatic pauses between key words. "Man, to think Will is whipped over a girl that is whipped over cake."

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