“You’re not going anywhere.” David told me commandingly. I shook my head and stood up ignoring the impending dizziness.

            “Don’t tell me what to do.”

            “You have authority issues.”

            “You don’t have authority over me.”

            “I don’t understand Sky, make me understand why.” He heaved a great sigh as sadness washed over him, he looked exhausted. I sat down on the sofa unable to stand anymore, I felt so weak.

            “Understand what David?”

            “Why would you cheat on me?”

            “I didn’t.”

            “Don’t lie to me! I can’t give you a child! When I heard the heartbeat this morning my heart sank. You could have at least been smart enough to use protection, I didn’t realize that you yearned for a child that badly.”

            “I DIDN’T CHEAT ON YOU DAVID! YOU’RE THE ONLY PERSON I’VE SLEPT WITH!” I snapped, how could he stand there and continue to falsely accuse me?

            “I’M DEAD SKY! I CAN’T GIVE YOU CHILDREN! SO DON’T LIE TO MY FACE!” He yelled, I winced slightly at his deathly tone. I looked away desperately trying to calm down as my mind became fuzzy. I put my fingers on my temples and massaged them.

            “I can’t do this right now.” My voice was feeble and quiet.

            “CAN’T OWN UP TO GOING BEHIND MY BACK AND SLEEPING WITH SOME GUY? DID YOU DO IT FOR MONEY? IS THAT IT?” He shouted once more, my head snapped up to look at him. That was a low blow. I began shaking, my throat became tight as I tried to push the tears back. I stood up.

            “Well I’m glad you think so damn highly of me.” I whispered leaving the room through the other door, then I left the house. I walked out to see my car in the drive. I got in thankful that the keys had been left in the ignition. I turned it and pulled away from the house. He didn’t even chase me to apologize which meant that he meant it. I made it to my house, once inside I didn’t want to be here. This wasn’t a home, it was an empty house. Anger boiled up inside of me, for once couldn’t my life be simple?! Couldn’t I have my family back? IT’S NOT FAIR. I grabbed a glass and chucked it at the wall. I grabbed a chair and threw it over, then another. I threw everything out of my way. I punched the mirror as I stared at my reflection. Who was I? Apparently the towns hoe. Tears streamed down my face as the anger continued to pulsate through me. I grabbed the nearest object and threw it. I punched the wall in my frustration. My hand was already bleeding and filled with glass. I shut my eyes and took deep breaths. I looked at the destruction I’d caused throughout my house. Glass shattered, objects broken, everything on the floor. My stomach cramped causing me to bend over in pain. Maybe I could finally die?

            “Sky? Everything’s going to be ok, I’m going to take you back to mine and look after you.” Wade’s face appeared in my line of sight. I nodded before collapsing.

            I opened my eyes as pain seared from my hand. I looked at my left hand, the source of the pain, to see hands pulling out the glass with tweezers. I looked up at Wade, he pulled out another shard and dropped it in a bowl, it clinked.


            “Don’t worry I checked over your baby first, it’s fine.” We told me as he continued to work on my bloody hand, which was noticeably swollen. All the anger had gone I was just hurt, not just in the physical sense. I relaxed and let Wade continue.

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