Chapter 7: So Hungry...

Start from the beginning

"Wha.....Why?" he uttered hopelessly after he'd touched his lips with a hand and wiped off blood for him to see."What did you make me do?" His voice settled into a harder tone. Now he was angry with me.

"The one and only thing that would keep you alive, that's what." I replied calmly, but my old sarcasim shone threw.

"I didn't ask you...." Tiernam began to go off.

"Where's Karissa?" I cut in, my head swinging wildly as I tried to locate her in the room.

"Karissa?" he echoed, confused why I would bring her name up.

"She must have left when I was too busy controlling you..." I muttered out loud to myself. I was sure that Tiernam could hear, but I didn't care."Come on, let's go find her!" I said loud enough that a normal human could hear while jumping up from the bed.

We exited the hotel room with myself in the lead and Tiernam close behind. The two of us reached the lobby when we spotted her. Karissa was approaching some stranger in denim jeans and a loose T. The man looked shadowy and I wondered how the hotel staff had even allowed him to take a step inside the building. I could see the man's lips moving, like he was seducing the woman into going with him.

"Come on." I ordered Tiernam softly and he followed swiftly behind me."Karrisa!" I called out loud towards the girl.

She didn't stop. The former nurse kept walking towards the strange man.

"Karissa!" I called again, but it was useless. No matter how many times I said her name, she wouldn't even turn around.

He's using compulsion on her, I thought. But if that was true, why wasn't Tiernam being drawn to the wierdo too? He had been susceptible to compulsion when I'd used it on him. Why not now? 

Tiernam and I got halfway across the floor when Karissa was standing in front of the man. She turned around wobbly like and then her body froze. Everything else about her was calm. Her muscles showed no tension and her breathing normal, but her face. It was her face that got me. It was twisted in a silent cry for help. Her eyes darted to my face, but I couldn't hold her gaze. I looked straight passed her to the man.

He was smiling devilishly, but not in an Emmett sort-of way. He was grinning in a I'm-a-psyco-maniac way. The man's hand glided up and touched Karissa on her shoulder. From the look on the woman's face, she wanted to flinch but her body wouldn't responde. Only her face winced at the contact.

"Leave her alone." I warned in a low growl.

"Or you'll do what?" The man taunted. He had an adverage voice for a guy."It's not like you can do anything about it. I blooded her and she's mine."

Blooded? That was a new term for me. I seriously needed to write a dictionary about all of this once my adventuring was done.

"I don't know what you're talking about and I don't care." I snapped right back at him."She's on my side and that's that."

The man chuckled."You obviously don't know about blood ties. If you did, then you'd know what was going to happen next." he led on omniously.

"And what is that?" I asked, giving him an unamused look on my face.

"I'm glad you asked." He replied with a satisfied grin."Come here boy." the stranger called.

Nothing happened.

"What are you trying to do? Call krypto?" I asked with sarcasim in my voice.

The man grumbled."Come on. I don't have all day." he grunted angerly looking straight at Tiernam.

He didn't budge one bit. If he did anything, it was give me a nervous glance that was asking me if this guy was mentally stable. I sighed, which was a sign that I doubted it.

"What did you do?" He threw all blame on me for his "blood tie" thing not working."What did you...." he repeated himself but suddenly stopped.

He must see the marks on my arm, I guessed. Tiernam had wiped all the blood off his mouth before leaving the room, so the bite marks were the only evidence that he had fed off of me. And even then, no human eyes would be able to see those pin holes. Only a trained Alp's eye would be able to find them. Maybe a vampire's if they knew what they were looking for.

"You purified him!" the crazy man screeched.

"I purified-the-what-now?" I yelled in return, shocked by his outrage.

"You renounced his blood-tie! I can't control him anymore!" He stomped angerly.

"Hey, we're in public you know?" I said casually, looking around the fancy hotel lobby.

It was a miracle that none of the staff had come to check on us yet. The guy self-conciously stopped going beserk and resumed a collective persona.

"Let's go girl, there's nothing else here for us." The man said sounding defeated. He began to retreat with a anxious faced Karissa in tow. Her eyes reflected the fear she was feeling inside.

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