"Holy shit," James mutters, and I take a deep breath to calm down before floating away from the woman and lowering myself back to the ground. "That was strangely hot," he adds after a few seconds, coming up behind me and wrapping me in his arms comfortingly.

I grin at the attention I receive from him before my dad clearing his throat, separates us with a look that say's "not right now".

"You're just fucking insane," Lovino accuses, glaring at the woman heatedly. And I mean that "heated" thing literally. His eyes have golden flames coming off of them. It's kind of cool. I guess we're all really protective of each other.

Angela groans. "God damn, you guys are so stupid," she moans out, throwing her head back as if she can't even begin to comprehend the idiocy surrounding her.

"Says the one pinned to a wall," James mocks angrily, his muscles tensing in response to the girl's sentence. I grin and snuggle further into his arms.

"We should kill you here and now for laying a finger on our son," my dad threatens, his voice that of an Alpha's, authoritative and icy. It sends chills up and down my spine just listening to it. I'd hate to be on the opposite end of that tone.

"I second that," Ludwig states, his icy eyes seemingly colder than usual. I must be so loved, and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way like I usually do.

The two women exchange looks of utter terror, horrified at the thought of dying. It's kind of funny how they can take lives so easily themselves, but they can't get over the fear of their own death. How sickening can you get?

"Let us handle them. We deserve it."

We all turn to see the demonic versions of my parents floating not too far away from us. The redheaded Arthur has the demonic Alfred leaning on his shoulder, unconscious by the looks of it. He looks angry, bitterly angry, the kind of anger one feels when they want to shoot up the local mall.

"Fine by me," my Papa states, giving his other version a nod of approval. The demon bows for my Papa, as well as he can considering the large figure leaning against him heavily. "Just make sure to take care of their bodies as well as any others you might find here."

He nods. "Sounds like a great deal," he murmurs with that soft, gentle tone that people use when they're trying to be creepy.

"T-Thomas's body was over there," I say, pointing to the cell I was held in. I can feel James stare at me worriedly when I say this, but I do nothing, simply burrowing into his warmth as I try to find even the smallest bit of comfort.

"Come on, love," my Papa says, coming up and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Let's head out. It's over." 

"That was pretty anticlimactic," Gilbert complains, only to be shushed by his quiet mate, Mathew. 

"Be thankful there wasn't really a need for violence, Gilbert," he reprimands, making the albino blush.

"Yeah, Birdie, you're right," he relents, wrapping his arms around the blonde Canadian. Personally, I think that the two of them are the cutest couple to ever walk the face of the Earth. I'm not sure why. I just love them.

"I wanted to hit someone with my pipe," Ivan whines, being comforted by his mate, Francis.

"It'll be okay. You can use your pipe on me later, no?" the Frenchman suggests. Yeah, I don't think he's talking about the metal kind of pipe... Gross... 

"I think that this was a great adventure!" Feliciano practically screams, his happy voice echoing throughout the building.

"Of course you do," Lovino mutters dryly, making me chuckle.

We all go silent as two pained screams of utter torture fill the air. We've already managed to get outside, having been trapped in a building in the forest, no one has heard anything. The two women deserve what they're getting, but I still don't like the idea of taking a life. I sigh and start walking. Eventually the others start to move along as well, and our stupid conversations start back up again. I feel guilty about what happened to Thomas, but I know that was his fate, and I can't change that. Hopefully, wherever he is, he'll find his true love. He sure as hell deserves it.

I'm just glad that I didn't die, but now, I need to get out of these damn pants. Urine does not smell very pleasant.

:( Frowny face.


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions! I love to read them! Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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