The old me would have been ecstatic to read and write about this. To go above and beyond, to be perfect and an over achiever. Just thinking about it makes me want to punch myself.

But I need to channel that. I need to become that happy, optimistic, overachiever who would ask "how high" when you say jump.

I plastered a smile on my face and started to read this amazing book. That'll definitely bring value to my life and help me find a valuable life lesson.

I started reading the words. By the third chapter the words weren't processing and the pages were blurry. I had to re read a page four times because it just wouldn't sink in.

Then I thought of Cameron and what he said during lunch detention. I bit my lip and rested my head against my desk. I then grabbed the pen I was using to write notes and quotes on the book.

I proceeded to draw on my arm. I focused intently on that. I would do it on my paper but I thought of that when it was to late. I was only able to do my wrist though. I drew two large roses on my left forearm. I shaded it in and worked hard on the detail. Once I was done I looked at my arm satisfied. Then I went back to the dreadful book.

I was really trying but I just wouldn't process in my brain. I sighed and chewed on my bottom lip. Then I heard some of the girls whispering a few rows in front of me.

"Oh my god, she's insane. Why do we let street rats in here. We had to earn our spots here." One of them whispered. I snorted loud enough for the people by me to turn and look.

I sheepishly looked back down at my book, but I kept listening to them. "She's such I whore. I heard earlier she was trying to get it on with Cameron. She got detention when she heard he had it." Girl two told one.

Another bimbo chimed in on the 'get to know Christian' discussion. "My friend also told me in her second hour she was all over Austin and Leo. She had him take her to class." Bimbo one and two gasped. "Now she's trying to spread her legs for Leo. Not like any of the guys here would have trash but still, have some class." Bimbo one snapped.

"And she was clearly acting like a freak earlier. Is that her way of flirting?" Bimbo two added hissed. "I know right. Disgusting. Brian's the king and Barbs."

A new Bimbo decided to join the conversation, "Yeah, and she's trying out for the dance team. She's apparently trash but is using a sympathy pull with the coach." The other girls growled. "What a bitch." Bimbo three snarled.

Bimbo one continued the conversation, "or how she stripped in the hall and attacked Lexi. How did she not get in trouble for that?" The other girls a vary of I don't knows.

I sighed in annoyance. Is this what a celebrities feel like? Am I a celebrity here? I'm flattered.

Someone started to pack and everyone followed their lead. I was happy to leave this class. The harpies were still talking about me in their corner.

I rub my head. I was starting to get a headache. I looked at the clock at the top of the whiteboard. It read 12:05, three minutes before  the bell rings. Then I have to find me new ib chemistry.

I sighed and rested my cheek in my hand. Then I looked around the room. My eyes sensed up catching Brian's. We both just stared at each other. Slowly his gaze turned into a glare at me.

I smiled my sweetest smile and stuck my tongue out. His eyes squinted even more after that, which was unfortunate because he had pretty eyes.

The bell finally rang and I winked at him. Then I turned and left. But not before waiting till the bimbos went to the door in a group. Then I walked right through them shouldering then.

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