Spooky-Its Spooky Biatch

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?"

"Back hurts. Plus not much in the party mode." She flipped onto her side to look at me.

"Why are you enjoying your party?" She asked.

"Not my party. Its for Ruby, to feel better." Stassie sat up across from me against my bed.

"Oh shit. What's wrong with Ruby?"

"Depressed." Stass nodded.

"He's drunk with the crew. Don't worry." I could tell she was trying to figure out how to solve this problem. Mario tagged along to the party and got him drunk instead of me getting him drunk.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked her.

"Honestly wouldn't mind hitting up In N' Out and going to the beach." I stood up and held out my hand.

"Then let's go."

"Oscar we can't leave, there are a ton of people at the house."

"And? Its my house, if they trash it, they know what their consequences will be." She placed her hand in mine and I pulled her off the floor.

"Burgers and the beach, princesa." I pushed her through the crowds and out the front door.

"You got a gun on you?" She asked me.

"Shit. No, I'll be right back." I ran back into the house and grabbed her purse.

"Guns in the bag, am I right?" She nodded.

Stassie opened the driver's side door and slid across to the passenger side of my car. I climbed in after her and queued up some good music.

In N' Out was packed but we still got our food. We went to the beach that I met her at the first night she was here. The sun was setting in the sky but was still out enough for us to see what we were eating. The waves were crashing on the shore line and it brought me back to the day Evie overdosed.

"Do you wanna go try and drown yourself again?" Stassie choked on a fry. I realized that most of what I was thinking didn't translate to my question.

"I wasn't trying to drown, you just overrated."

"No I didn't." I gave her a look and she pushed my shoulder.

"Ow. Down killer." We both laughed as I rubbed my fake injury.

"You wanna smoke?" I nodded and Stassie handed me a joint.

"We smoke way too much." I grunted out.

"Yet I don't care enough to stop." She said as she pulled the lit joint out from between my lips.

"Aye I was smoking that." 

She wrinkled her nose at me. "Too bad." 

I pulled her closer to my side and slung my arm around her shoulders.

"This is nice." Stassie said with a puff of smoke leaving her mouth.

"Its some good weed."

"Came from my secret stash."

"You holding out on me?"

"Never." She leaned over and kissed me.

The windows in the Impala fogged up and there was a rattle on the window. We looked up and their was a lifeguard knocking.

"Beach is closing. You have to leave." Stassie flipped him off and I started the car.

"Let's go see if those putos wrecked the house." I start shifting the car into gear and placed a hand on Stass' thigh

It was a quick ride back to the house and we came back just in time for Ruby's rap. He thanked me and then thanked his brother for making him an Uncle. I hadn't realized that the hyna with Mario was Angelica. When Ruby let that information drop Angelica pushed him back and punched him right in the eye. After that altercation Stassie didn't want to stay outside, her and Evie went back inside to clean up.

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