Three Years

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Three Years Later 

I finished the remainder of my run and walked to the loch to stretch. The early morning sun hit the tops of the trees and glistened across the water. I kicked off my shoes and socks, dipping my feet into the lukewarm water. The sky was blue, no visible clouds and it looked like it was going to be another warm day. I breathed deeply and closed my eyes. 

"Hey, I wondered whether you would be here."

I looked over my shoulder and smiled,"Hi, I was just going to head back. I needed a cool down."

Mac made his way over the stones and perched down next to me. His blue eyes twinkled at me.  He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulled me close and placed a kiss onto the top of my head. 

"You're all sweaty," he laughed, hugging me closer. 

"You run for 10 miles and see how much you sweat and anyway, it's not sweat. Ladies glisten," I said haughtily.

Mac burst out laughing, "Well, when I see a lady I'll be sure to ask her."

I grinned up at him, "Ass."

Mac glanced at his watch, "It's nearly 8, I'm going to have to go to work. Shall I drive you home?"

"Yeah, that would be great."

I stood up and slipped on my shoes, rolling the socks up and stuffing them in my hoody pocket. Mac reached out, held my hand and we walked back through the forest towards the car park.

"What are you doing today?" He asked as we picked our way over the exposed roots. 

"I'm going to see Nan, it's been a couple of days and I miss her. I'll drive over and check on Dad too," I told him.

Mac looked down at me, "Make sure you take some time for you too, it's your first day off in weeks. I should be out of the school for around 4, do you want me to pick something up for dinner?"

I shook my head, "No, I'll grab something."

We walked out of the clearing and towards Mac's car. We climbed in and Mac turned for home. He stopped at the gate, I unbuckled my belt and he grabbed my arm pulling me back to him. 

"Have a good day, I'll see you later," He smiled at me. 

"Mac, I'm completely gross. I don't want to get your suit dirty," I laughed, pushing him away. 

He hooked my chin with his finger and kissed me softly on the lips, "Love you, Pete."

I smiled, returned the kiss and got out. Mac drove away and walked past the gate and into the house. I always felt strange walking in here and having nobody to greet me. Nan had moved in with John two years ago and even though she was only a few doors away, I missed hearing her bustling about the kitchen or thrusting jars of jam on me. 

I had a quick shower, checked my work emails and dressed into jeans, brown ankle boots and a soft, grey silk shirt. I ran a brush through my hair, tying it up into a high ponytail and applied a little lipstick. The late nights were catching up on me, I could see dark hollows forming beneath my eyes. 

I was just heading out the door when my phone rang.

"Quinn, hi!"

"Pete! Oh I've missed you!" Quinn squeaked down the phone. 

I laughed, closing the door behind me and walked towards my jeep. I got in and started the engine.

"Where are you? Are you back?"I asked.

Quinn and Rory had been travelling for the last year, spending most of the time in Asia. I'd missed her more than I thought I could.

"Just touched down at the airport. We're heading back to the flat tonight but we wanted to see if you and Mac wanted to come into the city this weekend?"

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