Part 24 (finale)

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"I, Nakajima Yuto vow to care and love my one and only Ryosuke together with our future family as long as I breathe. To protect him from all harm, to be with him even in his deepest sorrow, and of course; to shower him with my endless love."

"I gladly accept this vow. And to you my stubborn yet sweet Yuto, I swear to stay by your side even in the darkest storm. To accept you as the person you are, to give you the family you've long wished for, and my sweetheart Yuto; I promise to protect your precious smile and to make sure that that smile will always carve on your cute face."

"Uwaaaa!!!! So sweeetttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the two nine years-old boys scream as they cover their face with their palm in front of the television.

"Open your eyes now Shin! Papa Yuto and papa Ryo is going to kiss soon!" the boy wearing the red shirt eagerly taps Shintaro's shoulder.

Shintaro splits his index and middle fingers that were covering his eyes. "It's coming Ryu! Papa and papa are getting closer! Uwaaa!!!!" he excitedly yells to his brother's ear.

On the television the handsome Yuto and pretty Yamada both dressed in silver tuxedo bring their lips together, witnessed by Keito who is wearing the priest's clothes.

"They kiss!!!!!!!!" Ryutaro and Shintaro giggle like a fangirl.

"Ryutaro! Shintaro! What are you doing in my room?"

The twin turns around, slowly looking at their parents that are now having such frightening expression on their face.

Shintaro quickly take the TV remote controller and switches it off. "We were watching... ermm... watching..." he begins to poke Ryutaro's back, requesting some back up.

"We were watching the TV," Ryutaro tries to stay play around. "You know, kids... cartoon... it was fun!"

"What cartoon?" Yamada squints at the two.

"Spongebob!" Shintaro answers without thinking.

"Really?" it is now Yuto's turn to question.

"Of course!"

"I don't know that there's kissing scene in spongebob cartoon."

Ryutaro and Shintaro look at each other. They make some eye gestures that are clearly showing that Shintaro is forcing his twin to reply to papa Yuto's question.

Ryutaro scratches his head. "Today is the 'Spongebob Special'. You see, Spongebob and Patrick get married."

"You two..." Yamada losses his patience and walks towards his sons. He stands in between the twin and pull their ears, one with each hand. "You think you can fool us do you? That was the most non-creative answer that I've heard in my entire life!"

"Papa, itaii!!!!!!!" Ryutaro and Shintaro shouts.

Yuto laughs. He loosens his necktie and put his folders onto the nearby desk. "I wonder whose trait they took after."

Yamada stares at his spouse. "You won't say anymore if you don't want to sleep on the couch tonight."

The tall boy smiles. He walks toward Yamada and takes his hands from the little kids' ears.

"They are just like you, a very bad liar," Yuto kisses his spouse's hand. "And that is a good thing," he squats to get good eye contact with his sons. "Now tell papa what you guys were really doing."

Ryutato rubs his red right ear. "Actually we were watching your wedding ceremony."

Shintaro nods, still rubbing his left ear that is also red. "Uncle Yuri said that we were there, so we watched."

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