Part 7

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"Why did you forced him to go in?!" Hikaru sensei yells at him as they march to the trauma room. "Don't you know anything about his past?"
Yamada shook his head, with guilt drenching his soul. "I- I don't know-"
"Then you should start asking!" the trauma room's door closes, hiding the screaming Yuto from Yamada's sight.

"Keito!! Keito!!!"

Yamada hears footsteps coming towards the living room where he is standing and soon enough the young butler enters in hurry.

"Are you all right botchan?" Keito takes a closer look at his master, making sure he is not injured. "What happened? Did Yuto causes you trouble again?"

Yamada grabs Keito's collar. "You... what are you hiding from me?"

The other boy shifts his head to his side, trying to avoid his master's furious the eye contact. "Botchan... how can I possibly-"

"USOU DA!!!!" Yamada loses his temper. "Tell me! TELL ME ABOUT IT!!"

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Yuto. Tell me all that you know about Yuto."

Keito's eyes widen. Only at that particular time did he notices that Yuto is not present with them.

"Calm down botchan," Keito holds Yamada's hands which were around his neck and slowly putting them back on the sides. "Please calmly tell me what exactly is going on."


They finally arrived at a beautiful building.

"Get down," an old man orders.

A slim boy steps down from the car, looking at the old man straight in his eyes. "Where are we going uncle Hayato?"

"Heaven," that's the one word reply Yuto get. Not long after a tall man in long coat approaches them.

"As promised," Hayato pushes Yuto to stand closer to the stranger who obviously wants to hide his face with the red muffler.

"Cute," the man smirks, giving Yuto a sense of insecurity. He immediately distances himself from the creepy guy, hiding behind his uncle.

"There there, don't be so afraid boy," he takes out a huge lollipop from his pocket and showing it to Yuto. "We are going to have a lot of fun tonight."

Yuto feels tempted. It's his favorite candy right in front of his eyes. Slowly he reaches out his hand and grabs the candy.

"It's delicious isn't it?" the man in big sunglass stares at him as he licks his candy. "I have more in my room."

"Yuto, you'll stay at his place tonight," Hayato quickly enters his car.

"But why? I don't know him!" Yuto asks. "Uncle Hayato! Uncle Hayato!!!" the boy knocks on the car's door.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow!" Hayato says before drives away, leaving the clueless Yuto with the stranger.

The man takes off his sunglass and squats down. He touches Yuto's right cheek and look at him in the eye.

"Don't worry boy, it's gonna be fun."


  "He was your master?" Yamada stands up in surprise. "Keito, that's not funny."

"Well, technically Yuto was my father's master. I never get the chance to serve him as we moved out from the Nakajima's family mansion when I was so little."

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