Part 4

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Chinen raises his right hand. "Let me get this straight. The man who saved us is now working as your driver but somehow you hate him. Is that right?"

"200% right! Oh my God, he is sooooooo annoying! He's messy, rude, greedy and stinks! I think he hasn't bath for like what, ten years maybe? You should see his bangs- whoever sees him at midnight can die of heart attack. Oh, did I mention how skinny he is? Like seriously, he's all bone!" Yamada explains with full expression to his best friend. "He's tall and dark and-"

"Cute," Chinen cuts in, teasing the other boy. "He's cute right?"

"Cute?! Not at all!!" Yamada denies. "Oh well, maybe a little," he sits at the nearby couch, perhaps a little embarrass to admit it.

Chinen smiles. "I know you too well Yama-chan. You never pay this much attention to others before. And yet you can describe in details about him- his appearance, his thoughts. Most impressively you only know for 24 hours. My friend is in love. I never thought that this day will come."

"Correction. It's only 14 hours to be exact. And me loving that beggar? NONSENSE!!"

"Stop denying it..."

"It's true! He sticks in my mind because he is so damn rude! To make things worse Keito is conspiring with him. Jeez..."


"I think he enjoys seeing me being bullied by that beggar. I don't even understand why papa Inoo would accept him!"

"Maybe they noticed that you are interested in him."

"I am not!"

The petite boy laughs. "Oh my. It's fun seeing you fretting over this kind of things. This is so not like you Yama-chan."

"Well, I'm happy that it makes you smile," Yamada get close to the hospital bed. "Ne Chii, when can you go home?"

"I don't know. My papas wouldn't tell me anything. All they said is I need to get that blood extraction thing inside me. I don't really understand what that means," Chinen touches his intravenous site on his left hand. "They look stress. I don't want to push them too much."

"How can you be so care-free? You need to know what people give you. I'll ask the doctor!" Yamada was about to move to the door but Chinen grabs his hand.

"Maybe it's better for me not to know. For now."


"What am I doing here again?" Yuto kicks the tire on the driver's side several times, getting bored of waiting for his 'master'.

"It's so hot!!!" he pulls off his bow tie and unbuttons the upper part of his white shirt. As much as he is glad to finally get new clothes he is absolutely stressed out by the heat and sweat.

It's okay. Calm down. You're doing it for Ryu. Don't worry, everything will be fine.

Yamada ordered him to wait at the main entrance, saying that he won't be long.

But Yuto has been waiting for three hours.

I'm gonna kill that neko when he gets back!


Yuto turns around.

"Yaotome sensei!!" Yuto heads towards the young doctor, offering his hand.

Hikaru shakes the tall boy's hands at once. "I never thought I'll be seeing you again. Look at you. You've grown up!" he gently hits Yuto's left arm.

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