Part 17

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 Yuri has been restless all night. Despite being overflowed by joy of knowing that he actually has a family of his own blood, he also feel worried that Yamada did not pick up any of his calls. Not until 5 in the morning that his eyes forcefully shut themselves, demanding some rest.

"Urmghh..." Yuri moans as he stretches his arm. From the amount of sunlight shining through his windows he knows that it is probably afternoon now.

"UWAAA!!!" the boy yells the moment he sees a man in dark suit standing in front of his bed, staring fiercely at him.

"Bikkurishta..." he blinks several times. "Who are you?"

The man bows. "Master Chinen, I'm Murakami Shingo, your bodyguard starting today."


"Your father hire me to ensure your safety," Murakami begins to pace around the room. "Your safety is my priority. I will make sure that you arrive home safe and sound."

Yuri watches the comical man in black blabbering about his 'missions', doing all sorts of actions in addition to his long explanation. For a moment Yuri thought that he is actually watching a standalone comedy.


Yuri reaches his cell phone, browsing through his inbox hoping to see a mail from his best friend. But he ends up disappointed.

What happen to Ryo-chan? Is he sick?

" to do that we must take the safest route home, it might be longer than the usual one you took, urmm..." Murakami pauses. "Master Chinen, are you listening?"

"Eh? Urm... yes yes... I hear you," Yuri nods, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

Murakami smiles. "Good. Now let me continue. The route that we will take today-"

Yuri sighs. Listening to a long lecture the first thing in the morning from this clown is definitely not fun.

"Good morning," Hikaru enters the ward room with a bright smile. "Or perhaps 'good afternoon' would be more appropriate."

"Yaotome sensei!" Yuri's excitement rises the moment he sees the doctor walks in.

"I'll leave you two for a while," Murakami bows. "I'll be outside if you need me master Chinen. Just shout my name and I'll fly straight to your side," Murakami do the 'superman act'. "If you may excuse me," he finally steps out.

Yuri throws a long breath. "Yukatta... Arigato sensei. You just saved my ears," the rubs his ears several times."

"You are funny Chinen-kun," Hikaru takes the folder at the edge of Yuri's bed and begins recording all the numbers on the monitor. "So, are you ready to go home?"

"Definitely! I'm all cured now! See!" Yuri gets on his feet and starts walking around the room.

"Good," Hikaru holds the boy's hand. "But I want you to take it slow and easy. For the next two weeks I want you to only walk when there is someone to assist, understand?" he kindly takes Yuri back to his bed.

"But I feel fine."

"It's better to be safe than sorry," Hikaru proceeds with his examination, thoroughly checking the young boy's physical state- making sure he is fit enough to go.

"You are all set," the takes off his stethoscope and starts writing again. "I want you to come back next week for check up," the doctor hands the appointment card to Yuri. "Don't forget okay?"

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