Part 11

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What luck is today for him?

His bedridden brother is not getting any better.

His biological brother is dying.

He met the man who destroyed his innocent life, and his lover is unfortunately that man's only son.

Can things get any worse?


Yuto snaps out from his thoughts, coming back to where he was- at Ryutaro's bedside.

"Are you all right aniki?" Ryutaro touches Yuto's hand. Ever since they came back from visiting Chinen in ICU Yuto has been so silence and looking very depressed.

Yuto forces a smile. "I'm fine, just a little tired, that's all," he gently pats the younger boy's head. "It's getting late. You should sleep now."

"I'm worried about Chinen-kun," Ryutaro's face turns bitter.

"So it's true you are dating?"

"I told you we are not," the boy pouts.

"Being in love is not a sin you know."

"But it is for me. Not for a useless person like me."

Ryutaro's unexpected reply makes Yuto lost for words.

"You are thinking too much Ryu. Now sleep. It's been a rough day for you," the tall boy pulls the blanket and covers Ryutaro's chest.

Ryutaro grabs Yuto's wrist. "Can you promise me something aniki?"

"What is it?"

"Whatever happens, don't blame yourself."

Yuto smiles. "Sweet dreams Ryu."

Ryutaro watches as Yuto leaves the room. His tears are flowing down like a river. His heart aches so much, that he doesn't even have a word to describe it. Maybe because his only friend (other than Yuto) is deadly sick.

Or perhaps his fear of Yuto abandoning him that he has now found his real long-lost brother.

Earlier Ryutaro overheard a conversation in ICU, a conversation about him- by none other Yuto and Hikaru sensei.

"Let's do the transplant now Hika. Save Yuri."

"I understand your worries Yuto. But bone marrow transplant isn't the same as any other organ transplant. We need to first destroy all the cancer cell by chemo, and only then we can insert the donor's bone marrow. For this, Chinen-kun needs to be fit."

"But at this rate he's going to die! What if he doesn't recover? What if-"

"Then there's nothing we can do."

"How can you say that?" Yuto raises his voice. "That's my brother we are talking about!"

"Get real Yuto! I'm not God. There's only so much that I can do. And I have a question for you. Have you ever thought about Ryutaro? What will happen to him should anything happen to you during the transplant?"

"He can take care of himself."

"No he can't. You are the reason he is still holding on so far. Dying is another matter, but what if you become paralyzed due to some mistakes?"

"What are you trying to pull?"

"I honestly think, based on my professional opinion that Ryutaro is the best candidate for the procedure. There's no cure for him anyways. He's going to-"

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