Part 18

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"Ryo-chan!!" Yuri dashes into Yamada family's mansion like he always did before his hospitalization.

"Yuri!" Daiki calls from behind. "Slow down," he runs after his son.

But Yuri doesn't seems to care. Passing through the empty living room the petite boy immediately head towards Yamada's room on the second floor.

"Mou......" Daiki sighs as he continues to tail Yuri. "Remember what Yaotome sensei said? You should be accompanied when walking. Yuri!"

The boy has already disappeared from Daiki's sight. A few minutes later he comes back to the stairs where Daiki is waiting.

"He's not home," Yuri tells his father.

"Maybe he's out with Okamoto-kun,"

Yuri frowns. "Odd... Ryo-chan never behaved this way. He would surely tell me if he's going somewhere, even with Keito. Is he trying to avoid me or something?"

"You're thinking too much. You two grew up together in front of my eyes, I know Ryo-chan as well as I know you. He's not that type of person," Daiki reassures his son.

However it doesn't succeed in taking away Yuri's suspicion. "He hasn't visited me for days papa."

"Yes, but he has always been with you for the past few months," once again Daiki stresses on his words. "Yuri, sometimes people need space to be alone. Don't be bothered by it too much. It's not good for your health."

Yuri bites his lips. Papa Daiki might be right; perhaps Yamada is just taking a drive with Keito or Yuto. Maybe his best friend really is in trouble and wants to be alone.

No... that couldn't be. Yama-chan always discussed his worries with me. He's not the type of person who wants to be by himself.

Then why he didn't find me?

What's actually going on Yama-chan?

"Dai-chan, Yuri,"

Daiki and Yuri turn their gaze towards the front door at the same time. Entering the living room is Inoo, who is looking so pale and pitiful.

"Uncle Inoo!" Yuri runs down the stairs, followed by Daiki. "Where's Ryo-chan?"

Inoo tilts his head a couple of times, tightening up his collar at the same time. "He went out with Keito."

"I told you didn't I?" Daiki smiles. "Gomen ne Kei, for coming in like this."

"Nothing to be sorry about Dai-chan. We've known each other for so long. You more than welcome here," Inoo takes off his jacket and hang it on the wall. "Good to see that you are on your feet again Yuri. You have no idea how worried your papa was."

Yuri did not reply. Instead he is standing close to the staircase, staring fixedly at Yamada's room.

"Is there something that bothers you?" Inoo asks. He later looks at Daiki, hoping that his friend would tell him something. But Daiki shrug his shoulders instead.

"Uncle Inoo, is Nakajima-san here?"

Inoo takes a few seconds to think before he finally replies. "He was fired."


"Uncle Yabu thinks that Ryosuke doesn't need a driver anymore, so... he was asked to leave," Inoo turns around to hide his face, for his lies are usually written all over his forehead.

"Then where is he?"

"I don't think it's wise for you to meddle with him Yuri."

"I have to!" Yuri slightly raises his voice, making the two adults speechless. "I have to find him no matter what."

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