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Yuto runs with all his might and suddenly stops in front of the middle age woman.

"Give him back to me," the twelve years old boy glares. "I will never allow you to take him away!"

"This is for his own good Yuto. He'll be well taken care of by that family."

"Bullshit!!!" Yuto yells. "He's my brother! I'll take care of him!!"

"Yuto please, don't make things difficult," the woman kneels slowly, trying not to wake the five years old boy who is sleeping on her shoulder. "He'll be able to go to school. He can get new toys and clothes. Don't you want him to live like a normal kid?"

Yuto's eyes are filled with tears. True, Yuto can't afford all that. He can't work; nobody wants to hire a boy like him. He thought they can somehow find shelter in this orphanage, not knowing that they can be adopted at any time.

"But I promised mama I'll take care of him," Yuto's voice begins to become a little bit shaken. His body is trembling. It is too obvious that he is trying to hide his sorrow.

The woman gently wipes Yuto's wet cheeks. "There's a limit of what we can do Yuto. I hope you understand."

"Hello sir!!" a man with green hair suddenly kicked Yuto's long leg. The tall boy scratch his head as he sits, staring sleepily at the other boy.

"What's with that stare? Do you know who I am???" the man grabs Yuto's white shirt's collar and bring him close to his face. "Give me your money!"

Yuto chuckles. "Baka!"

"What's so funny?"

"Do you think I'll sleep at this stinky place if I have that much of money? Use your brain you filthy-"

A quick punch lands on Yuto's left cheek.

"I take you in so that you can work for me! Go, the customer is waiting for you!" a crippled young man pushes the thirteen years old boy into the room where a smart looking man is eyeing him with lust.

Yuto resists. "I'm not doing it! I'm not your toy! I'm not doing this filthy job!"

"Yurusai!!!" the thin cheek is slapped mercilessly. "If you refuse, I'll never tell you where your brother is, Yuto."

Yuto stands on his feet. He wipes the blood that smeared below his lower lip with his shoulder.
"Perfect timing," Yuto spits out the remaining blood inside his mouth. "I do feel like kicking some ass," the boy moves forward.


 "Ohayo gozaimasu!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a petite young man dashes through the main door and heading straight to the second floor.

"Ohayo Okamoto-san!"

"Ah, Chinen-sama," Keito bows respectfully to his master's best friend. "You are early as usual. Shall I prepare you something for breakfast?"

"No no no, don't worry about it," Chinen kindly refuses. "My mum fed me enough this morning. Plus, you still have to prepare Yama-chan's items right?"

Keito smiles. "Chinen-sama is very considerate. Botchan is still in shower, but he should be finishing soon. Please make yourself comfortable. If you may excuse me for a while," once again Keito bows before taking his leave.

"Yama-chan..." Chinen steps into the room where he spends most of his time with his childhood friend Yamada Ryosuke. As he already knows nobody is inside, but there is sound of water splashing from the bathroom.

"Keito, get me my towel!!" Yamada's voice echoes in the room.

Chinen looks to his left and right, trying to find the towel mentioned by the other boy.

"Keito!! My towel!!! Hurry up!!!"

Still, Chinen couldn't find what he's looking for.

"What are you doing Keito?" Yamada mumbles as he steps out from the bathroom. "I'm already late for my lecture! Why are you- eih???"

Yamada and Chinen are both standing still, looking at each other.

"HUARGHHH!!!!!!!" Yamada hides his naked body behind a nearby sofa. "Chii!! What are you doing in my room??"

"Do I really need to answer that question??" Chine rolls his eyes. "What are you being so embarrassed about?"

"If you haven't noticed I'm not wearing any clothes!"

"Come on Yama-chan! We used to bath together before."

"Yeah, ten years ago."

"What's the matter Botchan?" Keito rushes in with worry. "Is everything all right?"

"He's fine," Chinen replies. "He just needs his towel to cover his body."

Keito throws a long breath out. "I thought Botchan fell or something," Keito says in relieved. "Actually I put it at the top shelve in the bathroom," the butler walks inside the bathroom and not long after comes out with a green towel in his hand. "Here you are Botchan."

Yamada whose face is now red takes the towel from Keito's hand and wraps his body immediately. "Arigato. Next time can you please put it lower so that I can see?"

"Yeah, Yama-chan is not that tall," Chinen intrudes.

"Hey, please realize that you are shorter than me!"

"I'm not short!" Chinen climbs onto the couch. "I'm just... a little bit small."

"Heh! Chii the shortie!"


"Botchan, Chinen-sama," Keito stands in between the two. "Perhaps it's wiser to continue getting dress since you two are already late for your first lecture today."

"Ah, yabai!!!" Yamada runs towards his walk-in closet in panic. "Keito, I'll get my breakfast at school. Just get my books into the car. I'll drive the blue one today."

"Wakarimashta," Keito bows and leave the room at instant.

"Ne Yama-chan," Chinen calls the boy.


"Should I help you putting on your pants?"


"Haha!! You are so funny Yama-chan!" Chinen laughs. "Oh my, today is going to be a great day!!"

Yamada comes out from the closet, hastily putting on his jacket. "Every day is a good day for you," the boy combs his hair and spray a little bit of perfume around his neck. "Yosh!! I'm ready! Let's go!"

~to be continued~

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