Part 9

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Hikaru scratches his head. He has been too lenient with Arioka Daiki's request, realizing that he is putting Chinen's life in more danger. The boy might has been showing some sort of 'improvement' with chemotherapy, but the fact that his disease is progressing is not something deniable.

In the other hand he understands why the couple wanting to delay the truth. The fact that Takaki and Daiki's DNA are both incompatible with their suppose-to-be son is destructive- it can be a huge scandal for the successful businessman.

Hikaru opens his drawer and takes out the matching result from the other day.

DNA compatible.
ID: Morimoto Ryutaro

No matter how many times he re-read the page the result remains the same. When trying to save this one life Hikaru knows he will have to sacrifice another.

And there's one more page he just received this morning.

DNA hereditary testing
Patient 1: Chinen Yuri
Patient 2: Nakajima Yuto.
Result: 98% matched.

Yes, Hikaru secretly runs another DNA test for Yuto and Chinen. There's too much physical resemblance between the two, except for their height (that maybe where the 2% is lost).

Perhaps Yuto's bone marrow is also compatible to Chinen. That way we can spare Ryutaro.

"HIKARU!!!" suddenly his office door is wide open. Yuto storms in with a scary face.

"What's the matter Yu-chan?" Hikaru stands up, welcoming his friend. "Come, have a sit," he pulls a chair.

"F*ck off!!!" Yuto kicks the chair, causing it to hit a vase nearby. The noise from the broken vase is loud enough to get people to notice the chaos.

"You knew it don't you?" Yuto grabs Hikaru's collar who is until now remains calm. "You knew that my brother is dying don't you?! Why don't you tell me??"

"I'm not Ryutaro's attending doctor, so I don't know how he's doing by details. But I thought you already know that there's no cure for Ryutaro's disease."

"Fuzakenaidayo!!" Yuto's grip becomes more firm. Hikaru is now on his toes. "I'm talking about ChinenYuri-no, NAKAJIMA YURI!!"

Hikaru's eyes widen. He could feel his pupils constricted. "You... you knew... but how?"

"I just knew!" Yuto finally let go of the doctor. "He looks so much like my mum," his tears begin to accumulate in his eyes. "And his birthmark, it's still there... Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me that Yuri is my brother?"

"Listen to me Yuto. Just like you I am only aware about it this morning. And this issue is a lot bigger than it seems. It's not just about you and him. It'll involve-"

"The hell with that!" the tall boy kicks another chair. "I don't care about anything else. I want you to save my brother!"

"And kill Ryutaro?" Hikaru raises his voice.

"What do you mean?"

The doctor picks up the papers from the floor, handing it to Yuto. "The hematology department keeps some sample from all of our patient who had their bone marrow tested. Ryutaro had one when you first brought him here."

Yuto nods.

"It's a routine to do compatible testing whenever a donor is needed. For now the only tested suitable donor for Chinen Yuri is Morimoto Ryutaro."

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