Part 2, Chapter 3. Lesson Plan 1, The Bully

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Chaz grunts in protest.

Just as they begin to catch their breath, the light of a flamethrower attack lights up the right side of the beach. Kyla and David look at each other then head in that direction. As they turn the corner they see Fredric and his Cyndaquil battling Matty and her Totodile.

"That is not fair, Fredric!!! Cyndaquil is a much higher level than Totodile!" Clare shouts in protest.

"Fuck off, Clare, unless you want to be next!!" Fredric shouts back.

Matty waves her hand. "It is okay, Clare, we can handle this."

Totodile stands ready, glaring at Cyndaquil.

"That Flamethrower means Cyndaquil has to be at least level 40! How has he not graduated yet?!" Kyla exclaims.

"He is... this semester." David replies.

"You may have the type advantage, Matty, but that will not save Totodile!" Fredric replies.

 "Totodile, Rage!" Matty orders.

Totodile begins to leap around erratically, as the muscles in his body flex wildly. 

"Evation?! Okay! Cyn, Fire Wheel!" Fredric orders.

Cyn shoots out a massive burst of flames, but Totodile jumps into the ocean to evade.

"Now, Totodile, Surf!" Matty orders.

"WHAT?!!" Fredric exclaims.

A wall of water rises over the beach, and crashes down, pushing all the students and their Pokemon against the embankment. Cyn is knocked out by a hit to the head, having been forced against a wood post.

Fredric rushes to his side and picks Cyn up in his arms, then turns back to Matty with a glare.

Matty puts her hands on her hips. "Next time you feel like playing the bully, remember, I will take you anytime, anywhere!"

"Fuck you, Matty!!" Fredric turns and runs towards the Clinic.

The others get up and check on their Pokemon. 

Clare gets up laughing as her Torchic shakes the water off. "Serves him right! Good thinking teaching Totodile an advanced move, Matty!"

Matty blushes. "I wish I could take credit, but he knew surf before we met.."

"How?!" Deanna exclaims.

"Apparently he was jealous of the Lapras, and taught himself..." Matty explains.

David steps forward. "Totodiles are like that, in the wild. They will become very territorial, which leads to learning move sets that are not normal for their levels."

All the students stop in surprise and bow quickly. "Goodmorning!"

"Goodmorning." David replies. "So did I hear you right, that Fredric has been a bit of a bully to you, students?"

Clare nods. "Just last week he hurt my Torchic pretty badly, just to prove that his Cyndaquil was stronger."

"Yeah, he has been forcing Cyndaquil to not evolve because he knows he would get caught and kicked out for power leveling!" Deanna adds.

"Someone had to put him in his place!!" Matty exclaims, angerly.

"Relax!" Kyla says. "You are not in trouble. No one is hurt, right?" Kyla looks around at the students. 

No one responds.

"Good! Now, we saw that Flamethrower, but the point is... do you want to tell Ivory or should we?" Kyla asks.

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