"You know I'm your friend right? You can come to me anytime." She assures me. Those words brings warmth to my insides. Something tells me she needs me she needs this just as much I do. This makes me trust her.

"I kissed Mason, well he kissed me but I did respond even if was just for a second. It was my first kiss. Harry and I were suppose to share our first kiss together. Now I betrayed him." I ramble telling Alora the things that's been haunting me for the the past ten days.

At first she looks at me like am crazy for freaking out but I see understanding in her eyes. There is no ounce of judgement, the only thing I feared. By telling her I feel a load of burden has been lifted off my chest. She hugs me again.

"It's okay. It will be fine." She whisper while hugging me. I appreciate the comfort because it truly does me wanders.

"I will deny it till the day I die." I tell her. I'm seriously, very seriously about that part. She let's out a short laugh.

"Please don't ever admit that. As far as we're concern that kiss never happened." I laugh along with her. I'm glad she agrees. "Styles will die so you better keep your mouth shut. We wouldn't want him to go crazy." She jokes.

"Evernly Wren Miller to the administration office." A voice comes out of intercom. At that moment my heart starts racing. I've never been called to the office.

"Shit! I've been skipped psychology for the past ten days." I start to panic. I stand up pacing in the library.

"Hey calm down." She laughs. I whip my head to her direction and stop pacing. I glare at her.

"Easy for you to say." I say dryly.

"You're not in trouble okay, I skip classes all the time. Probably something with your timetable." She explains and I relax.

"Besides when you're in trouble you either get detention or called to the principal's office." She adds.

"Come on. I've got nothing to do so I'll come with." I want to ask her where is Taylor but I refrain. I  haven't seen her with Taylor all week. She's been with me. Alone.

We walk to the administration building while talking. I really missed talking. I've spent the last couple of days in my head i almost lost touch with reality.

"Evernly Miller." Alora says to the lady behind the desk. The lady mug her. She hands her a paper. I peek at the paper. It's a time table.

"Your new schedule." She deadpans. I frown. New schedule. Ransom Everglades doesn't issue new schedules unless you pay for it. And trust me when I say it's expensive. to change each class is worth two months of my salary.

"I can't pay for that." I almost yell at the lady.

"It's already paid for." She doesn't even look up while typing furiously in her computer.

Poor keyboard.

"By who?" I ask. The person who use to pay for my academical expenses and still is paying for my education died almost two years ago.

"A young man whose name I forgot..... what's this an interrogation." The lady snaps.

Alora tsk and is about to go all crazy on the lady but I pull her out of the office. Taylor once warned me how crazy can Alora be. I can't deal with crazy Alora because I need to know who paid for this. It can't be Sage because he doesn't have that kind of money. And to pay for the whole thing, he must have warn the lotto. But it's not Sage.

"Why did you that? I was this close from slapping her disrespectful ass." She yells. Clearly feeling the adrenaline rush. I put my hands on my shoulders and shake her.

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