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Nicholas's pov

What happened next was blurry. It was all too fast. One moment I was admiring the girl that I love, the next moment her own brother was holding a gun at my head, the next to next moment my ex girlfriend was standing infront of me like a shield, the fourth moment I stood up all too fast which made me a bit dizzy.

"move out of my way Olly. " C-Rich said as he stood up as well. "so you can kill him? I don't think you understood me Clint, I love him. " Liv said making me smile almost but then I looked at the gun and my smile disappeared. "move out of the way O." I heard Audrey say and she too held a gun up aimed at Liv who stood infront of me.
"put the gun down Audrey, right now." Liv said looking at Audrey who looked at C but then back at Liv not removing the gun, but uncertainty was evident in her eyes.
"I said put the gun down. " Liv said again but C shook his head at Audrey and she held her hand up as did C-Rich. "seems like you've forgot who the boss is. " Tess said holding her hand up at Audrey's head with a gun.

My eyes fell on the boys who were all looking at the scene with there jaws dropping in the floor. Tess. Our innocent, sassy and annoying Tess had a gun. "Put it down Audrey. " Liv repeated herself in a deep tone and I now recognized the dangerous attitude that she showed sometimes and where it came from.

"Tom. " C-Rich said once Andrey lowered her gun and Tom breathed before picking his gun up and holding it on the head of the person sitting closest to him. Lukas.
"what? Not me! Why? What's going on? " he said as he held onto Davud who held on to Ryan who's as staring at Tess with big eyes.

"Clint. " Liv started and Tess lowered her gun from Audrey's head and joined the audience. "I told you to stay away from someone like me Olly, this is not the right guy for you" C-Rich said like a concerned brother but I couldn't care less. I wanted to get out of the building away from all these people with guns. Away with my girlfriend and my lads.

"I have an eye for things I should've have Clint. Don't do this. Don't punish him for something you did. " she said looking at C and he lowered his gun. "okay then, this ends now. The boys leave. Away from you and Tess. No harm done to any of them. " he said walking away from the scene.

"we can go? "Lukas asked standing up followed by David. "yes, you are free to leave. " C-Rich said and Lukas nodded. "come on boys. Let's leave. " he said walking away but only David followed him while Ryan sat there with his eyes blankly staring at the table. My eyes were on Liv who was looking at Clint.

"come on Nick, Ryan. " Lukas said standing in front of the door. "don't step out of that door Lukas. " Liv finally said turning at him. "and let go of our chance to get away from this fre--lets just go guys. " Lukas said putting a hand on the door but Ryan stopped him. "Lukas. The last time we were given a chance like this, remember what C said? "Ryan said but Lukas and David looked back at him with a blank face.

"once you step out of this room, you are no longer working for C-Rich. That means you are trespassing, which means every guard will be stading there to kill you. Get pass that, and you're free. " Tess said and Lukas's hand let go of the door handle as his legs shook.

"let them go Clint. Please. " Liv repeated herself but C-Rich was sitting on his chair rolling a cigar in his hand not saying anything. "you know I can't do that Liv. Either he dies, or he keeps on working with me. That's how this business works. " C said after a few moments and Liv sighed walking up to him. "I know how this works. I guarantee you, none of these boys will ever speak, or even think about this business ever again. They will not disclose anything. " Liv said and Tess walked up to her. "I stand by Olly's side. Let them go and they will be forever indebted to us, they will never said a word, because if they do, they know what will happen to them. " she said and Liv nodded while C-Rich just looked at them with a blank face.

"I think they are right C. They don't want to work, if we keep them they will make mistakes that can bite us in our backs. We shouldn't take such a big risk. " Audrey said looking at us. "I can't risk so much Olly. " C-Rich replied after a few moments and silence fell amongst the room once again.

Lukas and David had walked back to us by now and I could see Lukas sat there with his hands folded together and his eyes closed. Times like these did change a person, Lukas used to be a strong believer of God but lost his trust years ago, when we were in middle school, for reasons, he was now praying. God. If he really existed, they why would these events take place? Why would I have to fall for the girl who was the sister of a mafia herself?

"you never gave yourself a chance Clint. Don't take away this chance from boys who actually want this. " Liv said breaking the silence and Clint sighed breathing out the smoke.
"fine. Boys, you are free to go, but after walk out of this building and you are never to be seen in this area ever again. You will never deal, no matter how bad your conditions are, or ever speak of this whole endeavour ever again to anyone. Not even amongst yourselves. Remember, I see everything and I heard everything. If I get a hint of you boys not following my instructions, ever in your life, I'll make sure to cut each and every one of you into pieces myself. From the moment you step out of this building till your last, you are indebted to me. I will follow you everywhere you go, do anything which risks my job, you will be dead. " C-Rich said in the most threatening and malicious voice I've ever heard. Nodding their heads Lukas and David walked up to the door but turned around, "no one will harm you. " Liv said looking to them and they nodded opening the door and stepping out. Ryan was next, but he didn't leave the room before taking one last look at Tess and nodding his head at her.
I followed Ryan but stopped turning around and looking at Liv who looked back at me with a small smile. "don't you want to come with me? " I asked and C-Rich looked up at me with his eyebrow raised.

"I am where I want to be. " Liv repeated the very lines I had said, the night I had accepted my feelings for Liv. She smiled at me once before looking at Tom, who pulled me outside the room closing the doors.

Tom escorted us all the way outside the building and stopped by a big coffee truck. "take them home. " he said and looked at us. "you're very lucky. " he said and without another word turned around walking back inside the compound premises while we got up inside the coffee truck sitting down on the floor while a man who was making coffee before sat down in a chair looking at us.

I don't remember much after that. I do remember getting dropped infront of the Central Park and walking home from there. No words were exchanged as we did so. Walking back home I remember my mom opening the door and me bursting into tears as I hugged her. It was the first time in years that I had cried on Clarisse's lap, the last time was years ago when dad left us. "what's wrong? " she kept on asking but I gulped down all my words.
"it's going to be okay. " she said and I closed my eyes letting myself believe her. It was going to be okay, it had to be.

I might went by sleepless as I sat in my study table with my eyes red, looking at the books and notes that were left here by Liv. It was her handwriting, she had also left a scrunchie here sometime which was now around my pencil stand. A few of her clothing items, her broken pair of glasses which I had once broken by mistake. Taking the few packets that I had left in my cupboard I threw them in the dustbin burning them up.

Looking at the fire I could relate everythung that I had lost today. I knew we were never going to be the same again. Life was never going to be the same again, we had lost whatever innocence we had left, the fun in our lives, and our lives were indebted, plus I had lost the one thing that I loved the most, the one thing that gave life, a meaning,  a life worth living.
I loved dealing, I wanted to make a living out of dealing,  but before I realized, I didn't just sell drugs... I had sold myself away too.

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