Part 2, Chapter 2. Back to School

Start from the beginning

She timidly approaches and looks up quickly at everyone. "Am.. am I in trouble?"

"Are you Matty?" Kyla asks.

Matty nods.

"Will you show me your bite?" Kyla asks.

Matty slowly rolls back the sleeve on her right arm and shows the stitches.

Totodile looks away in shame.

Kyla continues. "My name is Kyla, this is David Brown, and Officer Chad."

Matty perks up, quickly. "You are Kyla!!! Oh my God, you are like my idol!!!"

"That is nice and all, and I greatly appreciate it, but I am here on business today." Kyla says, trying not to sound nervous.

 Matty becomes quickly nervous and silent, nodding her head.

Kyla calls out Gardevoir. 

Gardevoir looks at Kyla. "Do you need me to translate, Miss Kyla?"

"Yes, please translate for Matty here." Kyla turns to Totodile. "Remember, this is your last chance, take it."

Chaz puts Totodile down as he slowly and shyly approaches Matty. "Toda.. to to dile!

"He says, 'I am sorry for biting you'." Gardevoir translates.

Matty neals down and pats his head. "We both know that was my fault, don't blame yourself."

Totodile looks happily, then looks at Kyla.

Kyla returns his look with an angry glare. "There is more, so go on."

Totodile looks down at the ground.

Gardevoir sighs. "He felt bad and got into a fight, almost losing his life. Afterwhich he stumbled into the Pokemon Clinic where we were thankfully able to save him."

Matty grabs Totodile in a hug. "Please don't ever do that again!!!"

Totodile looks surprised at this show of affection.

"Totodile, I.. I want you to be my partner. Please?!" Matty exclaims, tears in her eyes.

Totodile can not move, so he looks at Gardevoir and nods.

"He accepts you as his trainer." Gardevoir translates.

Kyla smiles. "Congratulations, Matty, you have your first Pokemon."

Matty looks up at Kyla, tears still in her eyes. "Thank you! Thank you very much, Miss Kyla!"

"You are welcome." Kyla nods then turns to Gardevoir. "You did good, would you care to stick around to speak to the students?"

Gardevoir shrugs. "I follow you, Miss Kyla."

Kyla turns to Chad. "Sorry for wasting your time, Chad."

Chad shakes his head. "No worries, I enjoyed the walk." Chad turns to leave. "See you next time."

Matty pulls out a Pokeball. "I have been saving up my allowance, and I got this just for you, Totodile. I was trying to ask you the other day, but i never got the chance when you ran off."

Tears flow from Totodile's eyes as he holds out his claw. 

Matty pushes the button into his claw and he goes inside the Pokeball. "Welcome home, Totodile." Matty whispers.

"Time to get back to class, Matty." Kyla says.

Matty stands up with a smile. "Are you coming in with me?"

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