chapter twenty three

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  I stand there, unable to move. It's like I'm frozen. "What?" I sputter out with wide eyes. Did I hear her right?

Vanessa wipes her eyes with a crumpled tissue. "He was turning left when an eighteen wheeler ran the light and hit his car. It flipped four times and ended up in a ditch upside down," she explains, hiccuping now and then. "The doctors said he has a lot of internal bleeding, four broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a possible concussion."

I hear what she's saying, but I don't hear what she's saying. How could this be true? It's not possible... I'm on my way to see him, to tell him how I feel. It's Liam. How could something so terrible happen to someone I know and care about so much?

"Taryn." I hear my name being called, but don't register it. All I can think is this isn't happening.

"Taryn!" Reed is shaking my shoulders and calling my name, but his voice is muffled as I stand there in confusion. It just doesn't make sense.

Suddenly everything comes back into focus. I blink and turn towards Reed. "What?" I ask.

"I asked if you wanted me to go with me to the hospital. I'm driving Vanessa because her husband has to work tomorrow and can't get out of it," he repeats slowly.

  "Oh. Um, sure," I say, nodding. Wow, I'm really out of it. "Let me get my phone. I left it upstairs."

I turn around and run upstairs, still trying to process what I've heard. Stop acting so upset. He's not yours to be worried about.

  I grab my phone from its spot on the dresser, and glance in the mirror. I look homeless, but I don't have time to try and fix my appearance. I sigh and run back down the stairs, trying to calm myself and act unbothered. I end up meeting Dad at the bottom of the stairs.

  I look at him for a few second. How can one of the most important men in my life lie straight to my face? He told me that Liam didn't want me to stay with him and that he was tired of me. How could he be so judgmental of me and assume that I can't keep my legs closed and that I like Liam for no other reason than his looks?

  "Taryn, where are you and Reed going?"

  I look away from him. "To the hospital. We're taking Vanessa since she isn't in the right state of mind to drive herself," I mumble, edging past him.

  Should I tell him I know what he's done? I don't know if I really want to endure the speech he's going to give me. Not right now, when Liam is hanging between life and death.

  "I don't think you should go, Taryn. I mean, he doesn't want you there-"

  I glare at him. "And why should I believe you?" I say. "I know what you did."

  Dad's face falls, and I know that the hurt I feel is written across mine. "Taryn, I was just trying to protect you-"

  I shake my head. "Save it," I mutter. "We should go ahead and get up there."

  I walk past him and follow my brother and Vanessa our the door. Reed slides into the drivers seat, and I take the back. "Thank you for driving me," Vanessa says. "You really didn't have to."

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