chapter twelve

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Mickey sits there, staring in shock. I do the same, my jaw wide open.

"Is that who I think it is?" Mickey whispers.

"I think so," I whisper back, blinking rapidly. "Is this real?"

He walks closer, grinning. "Are you ladies going to hug me or not?"

Mickey suddenly jumps up and flings herself into her father's arms, sobbing. "Daddy!" She cries, her arms wrapped tight around his neck.

He hugs her back, equally as tightly. "I'm here, baby girl. For good," he says. I don't usually cry, but even my eyes tear up. I know how bad Mickey's missed him, so I'm happy for her. But I'm also glad he's home, he's basically my second father. Hell, I call him Pops.

When Mickey finally let's go and wipes her eyes, her dad turns to me. "Well get over here, Tare-Bear. I hear it's your birthday," he says, gesturing over.

I get up and wrap my arms around him. "Hey Pops. It's been a while," I say with a laugh.

He wraps me in a bear hug, like he has since Mickey and I were young. "A while too long," he says, patting my back before releasing me. "But I'll be seeing you a lot more often."

Mickey and I both stop. "'re not saying..."

He smiles again. "I am. We're moving back here."

My best friend and I look at each other, then yell at the take time. "Oh my god!" We both jump on her dad, screaming and yelling, much like this morning when Mickey showed up for mine and my brother's birthday.

Mickey's dad laughs, wrapping an arm around us both. "Come on girls, let's go share the good news with Tare-Bear's family," he says. I roll my eyes at the nickname, but smile anyways. He and Mickey are the only ones who I don't mind calling me 'Tare-Bear'.

"This is the best day ever," Mickey says, grinning.

"I know right! It's my birthday!" I joke.

She rolls her eyes. "Gosh, Taryn, not everything's about you!" Mickey jokes back. I stick my tongue out at her, looking at her from around her father. She does the same, and Mickey's dad chuckles.

"I've missed you guys," he says, kissing each of our foreheads. "Now I've got my girls back."

I told you, we're like a family of our own. If someone asks if I'm his daughter, he says yes. Because I am, he and Mickey are also my family. I can't wait to have my second family back for good.

* * *

The next day, Mickey and her father left to go back to Georgia. We all hugged goodbye, but I knew they'd be back in a couple weeks. They just had to pack up their things and get back here.

"Love you guys!" I yell, waving in the airport as they head off.

"Love you too!" They shout back. Mickey blows me a kiss, and I can't help but laugh.

I tug on the sleeves of my sweatshirt, then realize it isn't mine. Shit, I forgot to give it back to Liam. I check my phone for the time, and it's only ten o'clock. I could stop by his apartment and give it to him, even though I'd probably be freezing until I get home.

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