chapter nineteen

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* so sorry for the late chapter y'all! I'm super busy and I had some bad writers block lmao, but here you go and enjoy :) also, please comment, comments make my day!! *


  "Are you sure?"

  I roll my eyes. "Yes, damn it! For the millionth time, I am fine with you going out with Claire. I can survive for a few hours on my own, thank you very much," I say, exasperated. Liam has been continuously asking me if I'm sure I'm okay with him leaving me tonight even though we had spaghetti plans.

  I mean, I'm not ecstatic that he's going on a date, but fake it till you make it, right?

  "Just making sure," Liam mumbles. "Do I look okay?"

  I scan my eyes over him. He's wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, with jeans and a pair of black shoes. Honestly, if I could I would eat him for dinner. Because that's not creepy.

  I nod. "Very cute. But-let me fix this," I say, standing up from the couch. I reach up to the buttons on his shirt and unbutton two of them, exposing a little more of his tan chest. Then I ruffle his hair up a little smile. "There. Better."

  It's silent for a moment, before we both notice our close proximity. Liam steps back and clears his throat, looking at the time. "I should probably get going," he says.

  "Yeah, of course. Wouldn't want to be late," I say, forcing a smile.

He smiles back. "There's a twenty on the dresser for food. I shouldn't be back too late, but I'll let you know-"

I put my hands on his shoulders. "Liam. I am going to be fine. I've been left alone before. Now go out and have some fun," I order.

Liam nods and heads for the door. "I'll see you later. Don't wait up," he adds, opening the door. "Bye, Tare."

I wave at him and he closes the door behind him. I let out a breath and fall onto the couch, covering my face with my hands. Why do I have to like him so fucking much?

* * *

Liam Evans

After I shut the door behind me, I pause and rub my face. I can't help but slightly dread this date with Claire. It's not that she's not a great girl, it's just that she's not...Tare.

I know it's stupid, and I know it's wrong, but I can't help how I feel about Taryn. She still in fucking high school for goodness sake. Besides, she doesn't even like me. She was so supportive of me going out with Claire. Why would she do that if she likes me?

All I know is that there isn't a thing I don't like about her. I like the giant grin she gets on her face when she's teasing me, and the blush she gets if somebody compliments her. I like how she wears my hoodie and forgets that it's mine. I like how she stands up for herself, even if it costs her something like her home.

I almost want to turn back to the door and stay with her, but I know she'll just drag my ass to the restaurant where I'm meeting Claire.

I sigh and go down the stairs to my car. Get yourself together, Liam. Taryn doesn't like you. Might as well get over her now.

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