chapter twenty one

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  Taryn Sawyer

  When I wake up, I'm alone.

  I look around, squinting my eyes at the bright lights of the hospital room. I try to sit up, and wince. I run my hand over my stomach, feeling a gauze pad through the material of the hospital gown.

I reach over and find the nurses call button, and push it. Where is everyone? Where's Liam?

A nurse comes walking in, someone different than the one I had last night. She smiles brightly. "Hey there," she says. "I'm Brittany. How are you feeling?"

I clear my throat. "A lot better," I say. "Do you know if my family is here? And where the guy that I came in with is?"

She grabs my chart and starts writing my vitals down. "Your family is in the cafeteria, and I don't know who they guy you're talking about it. I wasn't here last night, I work the day shift," she explains. "Your family should be back soon, they've hardly left."

I nod. "Thanks," I say.

"No problem. Can I get you anything? Water, something to eat?"

"Um, a trip to the bathroom would be nice," I say. "And I'll take you up on the water."

Brittany smiles kindly. "Alright." She helps me through the IVs and wires around me to the bathroom. "Be careful and make sure not to irritate your incision, it's still fresh."

"Thanks again," I say, closing the door. I take care of my business and wash my hands, and accidentally look in the mirror. I look like a mess, as per usual. I try to fix my hair the best I can, but it's no use.

I sigh and step out of the bathroom, noticing the nurse is gone but there's a cup of water next to the bed. I carefully sit back on the bed, sipping my water, looking around. The clothes I came here in, which consisted of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and Liam's hoodie, are folded neatly on the arm of a chair.

Suddenly, Reed comes running into the room and almost jumps on me before skidding to a stop in front of me after remembering I've just had surgery. "Taryn!" he says gratefully, wrapping me in a hug tightly.

"Hey Reed," I say nonchalantly. "How are you?"

  He pulls away from me and glares. "Taryn Leigh, I'm mad at you. You can't just go around getting sick and ending up in the hospital!"

  I roll my eyes. "Shut up, stupid," I say. "Where's everyone else?"

  "Mom and Dad are on their way up, we were eating breakfast. Aunt Grace picked Sophie up last night after we got here," he explains, sitting next to me on the bed.

  I still don't want to deal with my parents, but I guess I'd have to eventually. Might as well be now. "Is Liam still here?" I ask. "I know he brought me in last night."

  Reed is silent for a moment, biting his lip. It's a thing he does when he's trying to find a way to say something that's hard to say. "No," he finally says. "He went home to get some sleep."

  I know that's not all that happened, but before I can press him for more information my parents come in and I'm covered in hugs and forehead kisses. I just sit there silently as they fuss over me. I know, I know, I'm stubborn.

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