chapter three

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It's time for Liam and I to go.

I try to swallow my nerves, hoping that I don't trip halfway down the aisle in these damn heels. Liam and I hook our arms together at the elbows, me holding the small bouquet of flowers, him simply holding his hand to his chest.

I attempt to smile, hoping it looks like a real smile. I'm going to make a fool of myself.

We start walking, both of us smiling at we walk down the aisle. Suddenly my ankle twists, but I quickly regain my balance with the help of Liam's other hand reaching across to steady me. My skin burns from where his hand touched the material of my dress on my hip.

I don't think anyone noticed, but I could see my sister gasp silently. My ankle hurts like hell, but I ignore it. Liam and I make it to the alter, where we split apart. I stand to myself sister's right, grasping onto my flowers.

"Are you okay?" Beth whispers. Nobody hears because they're too focused on Katie and Preston and the music playing in the background.

"I think I sprained it, but yeah."

My ankle is burning, and these fucking heels aren't helping the matter. I take most of my weight off of my left foot, and it only helps a little.

Katie is now next to me, Sylvia making her way down with Ben. "Can I take these heels off?" I whisper.

"Why?" Katie whispers back.

"She twisted her ankle walking down the aisle," Beth answers.

"I say go for it," Katie answers.

Don't have to tell me twice.

I try to be unnoticeable as I bend down and slip the heels off, quickly placing them behind a potted plant behind me. It's a little better.

You can't see my feet under the long dress, so you wouldn't guess I'm not wearing shoes unless you noticed the five-inch height difference. Sylvia noticed because as she walks past me to stand on Katie's right, she gives me a weird look.

Larissa, the the final bridesmaid, is now walking towards us. Then comes Aaron, Whitney's soon-to-be husband, wearing a black suit with a white button up shirt and black tie. He's smiling the whole time, hands tucked into his pockets as he awaits Whitney's arrival.

The flower girl, Aaron's niece (I think her name's Lola) skips down the aisle, sprinkling red rose petals from a basket in her hand. She wears a dress the same color as ours, but much cuter and with white sandals. The crowd chuckles as they watch the young girl head straight for Aaron, who picks her up. Lola plants a big kiss on his cheek, making him laugh. Even I crack a smile through my pain.

The ring bearer, Whitney's cousin (I'm pretty sure his name is Mason) comes next, holding a black box with the wedding rings in it. Both of the children stand on opposite sides, Lola next to Beth and Mason next to the best man.

The music changes and everyone stands, trying to get a glimpse at where Whitney will be. She appears with her arm around her father's, holding a bouquet of flowers similar to the bridesmaids' but larger. She's grinning from ear to ear as she walks down the aisle.

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