Chapter 16: The War's End.

Start from the beginning

Iskandar dismounted and approached me while I approached him in my golden armor.

Iskandar dismounted and approached me while I approached him in my golden armor

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I summoned us drinks from the Gate of Babylon and we began our last discussion.

I asked "Where is your little chariot you are so proud of?".

Iskandar poured me a mug of ale and said "Well... I'm embarrassed to say that I lost it to Saber.".

I smirked and said "A real shame. I guess I won't get to face you at your best after all.".

Iskandar said "True, the weapons at my disposal are somewhat depleted. But Iskandar tonight is less than perfect, and thus, is greater than perfection.".

I said "So I see. Indeed, the aura that is emanating from you... it is unusually potent. It appears you have come before me believing that you have a chance at victory.".

We clanged glasses and drunk our ale.

Iskandar said "Queen of Babylonia, a final word. Our banquet's last question.".

I said "Go on.".

Iskandar said "Purely hypothetical, were my Ionian Hetairoi armed with your Gate of Babylon, it would create the most powerful army imaginable.".

I said "It would indeed.".

Iskandar asked "Then why not ally with me? Together, the two of us could conquer the very stars.".

I began laughing thinking about how me, Gilgamesh, and Enkidu used to act.

I said "You never cease to amaze me. But unfortunately, I have had 4 comrades, and they are all I ever need. And by your own words I'd assume their'd be no use in two rulers.".

Iskandar asked "The lonely path, eh? I shall challenge your unwavering warrior spirit with respect.".

I said "Very well. I shall challenge you unwavering King of Conqueror's spirit with the same respect I show only a few I encounter.".

We turned and threw our chalices up into the air.

I dematerialized them the minute they hit the ground.

We walked out separate ways and then I turned back to face him as he mounted his horse.

Iskandar summoned us to his Ionian Hetairoi and I was comfronted by and entire army of Heroic Spirits.

I smirked as they began approaching me but Iskandar stayed back for the moment for Waver's case I assumed.

I began walking until I started running, I could feel my heart dancing

I ran threw some of them pushing them away before jumping up and side kicking someone away.

One tried to slash at me but I kicked him away.

Another tried to jab me with his spear but I punched him away.

I jumped over to another part of the army and my landing pushed some of them away as I kicked two of them away.

One jumped and tried to slash at me with his sword but I dodged him and slapped him away.

Another tried to stab me but a grabbed his arm and yanked him around tossing him at the next guy.

I started slaughtering them until I was pushed back by one of their mighty weapons.

I dusted myself off and opened four Gate's of Babylon.

I fired my unamed Gáe Bulg at the ground near one cluster of soldiers and caused dozens of barbs, producing instant death for the men.

I then pulled my unamed Caladcholg out and slashed at another cluster of men and it caused their imminent demise.

I was finally overwhelmed and was standing in the middle of this army as Iskandar began riding over to defeat me.

I mentally said "Gilgamesh... forgive me.".

I used a Gate of Babylon to summon Ea.

I wielded it and said "Enuma Elish!" which cause the reality marble to crack and fall apart.

Soon enough I was forced to kill Iskandar with the Chains of Heaven and Ea.

I soon enough began walking towards Waver.

I asked "Waver, were you true to being his Master?".

Waver said "No... I am his retainer...".

I looked at the sad look on his eye then I said "I see.".

I spared Waver due to the mission Iskandar asked of him to do.

I appeared before the Grail and waited for the last piece of my puzzle to arrive.

After a few minutes, Artoria arrived and was saddened by the sight on the Holy Grail.

I appeared before her and she said "Get out of my way... The Holy Grail belongs to me!".

10 Minutes Later*

I tried to stop him but Artoria used Excaliber to extinguish the Grail before I could make my wish.

I picked myself up only to see a red ring in the sky which soon enough poured blood down on me.

I was soon bathed in whatever this blood colored substance was and I reattained life and took my leave with Kirei.

5 Years Later*

I was minding my own business in my home when I heard a knock at the door.

I walked down to find a baby in a basket with a note saying that the child is a descendant of Gilgamesh and that her name was Gelda.

I smiled down at baby and said "Ah, that's cute. We have the same name little sister.".

I waved my finger in front of her face and she bit my finger in kind.

I grunted in pain.

I smiled and picked her up then I said "You'll make a fine edition to the family little one.".

Soon enough I had to go visit a dying broken man.

I appeared above him and said "This is for Diarmuid." as I stabbed him in the heart with my unamed Gáe Derg.

Soon enough there was a child present and I felt ashamed of my actions as I fluttered away.

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