Chapter 6: The Great War Starts.

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I don't own any of the fate series or it's characters, All rights go to TYPE-MOON, A-1 Pictures, Shaft, Netflix, and unfotable.

A Few Hours After Chapter 5*

Gelda's POV*

It was night time and I was with everyone else as we were informed that there was a disturbance in Trifas.

We watched the Red Factions Saber attacking our Homunculi and are Golems.

I watched her fight and something about her reminded me of Artoria.

It soon enough hit me.

I mentally said "Mordred." as she and her Master began walking away.

Vlad said "Rather strong.".

Chiron said "Even being of the supreme Saber class, that was rather exceptional.".

Vlad turned to me and Siegfried and asked "Can you win?".

I said "Without question.".

Siegfried said "Without an issue.".

We all soon went our separate ways as that concluded our need to gather together.

An Hour Later*

I was sitting by the fire in my room reading about Mordred and Artoria's legend when I heard a knock at the door.

I set my book down and headed over to open the door only to see Astolfo carrying a winded Homunculus boy.

I said "Bring him inside.".

Astolfo passed by me and I looked outside to make sure no one followed them.

I closed the door and turned to Astolfo who set the boy down on the couch of my room.

I said "Go get Chiron while I look this boy over.".

Astolfo nodded and ran off while I took a seat and used my magic to look in on the boys Magical Circuits. 

It seems as though his Circuits almost ran out of control and the impending action the boy took was the result.

I mentally asked "Now, where did you come from little guy?".

Astolfo came back with Chiron.

I said "It looks like his Magical Circuits almost ran out of control.".

Chiron said "That, and fatigue.".

I said "Right, I didn't consider that when I made my evaluation.".

Astolfo asked "Fatigue?".

Chiron said "I'm afraid he's never walked even once since he was born. They're like batteries for replenishing magical energy.".

I mentally asked myself "Are they really using Homunculus as batteries?".

Astolfo said "I see. So he's like a newborn baby.".

Chiron asked "Why did you save him, Rider?".

I said "I would like to know the same thing myself.".

Astolfo said "Because I wanted to save him.".

Chiron said "Caster seems to be chasing him, right?".

Astolfo laughed and said "That's none of my business.".

Chiron sighed a smirked before saying "I'll leave for now.".

I said "I'll make sure he's kept a secret.".

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