Is it a few hours later that they retrieve me from the cell? I don't really know how much time passes, but the two women fetch me from my cell, dragging me out after throwing open the door. I don't put up much of a fight, though. I'm too emotionally drained from hours of crying to let myself have much of a reaction. I don't bother noting much of the other woman, except for the fact that she's an old blonde with brown eyes that reeks of alcohol. She must be the source of that strong booze smell, because it's making my eyes water just being dragged by her.

"How do you want to start?" Angela asks the other woman as they bring me into what could be considered a main room. They attach me to shackles on the far wall and study me for a moment, strutting back and forth in thought. The sound of their heels is revoltingly annoying, too.

"Let's start with the demon," the blonde woman states, a slight tinting of a British accent on her voice. "It'll be like two birds with one stone."

Angela grins and nods along in agreement. I raise a silent eyebrow. How do you torture a demon? The evil brunette girl takes a long dagger from the table in the corner of the room, which is lined with weapons, and drags it along her left forearm. This causes blood to start pouring from the wound. I wince at the heavy smell, crinkling my nose in disgust. It's so metallic and strong. It's sort of like when someone wears too much of really strong cologne, except the smell isn't pleasant to begin with. 

She takes her two fingers and dips it into the wound, and she begins to draw symbols on the wall. I don't recognize the words she starts to speak, obviously summoning a demon in what sounds something like Latin.

"Coniuro te Arthur mentis ." (I conjure you, Arthur of mind)

What the hell are they summoning? 

As the symbol lights up, glowing with a bright green light, I gaze on in awe and horror as a body emerges from the wall. It's obviously a demon, judging by the classic giant, black bat wings, the whip-like tail, and the small, sharp horns that portrude from its head. What catches me so off-guard is the fact that the demon is practically an exact replica of my Papa, except his eyes have a silvery tint to them and the red mop of hair that sits atop his head instead of blonde.

He catches my eye and looks at me with profoud sadness. Despite how demons are depicted, they have feelings just as humans or mages or werewolves do. They simply tend to be more violent and sexual, which is what's stereotypical. I know that this one is one of the nicer ones, and I can tell that he's also here against his will. They must have something that means a lot to him. Demons don't usually become attached to material possessions, so I can't help but be curious as to what it is.

"Ah, Arthur," Angela states, "do be a doll and fetch that tazer over there." He even has the same name as my dad? This is getting weird.

When the demon doesn't move, Angela frowns. "Arthur," the blonde lady says, voice much stronger and harsher, causing the demon and I to both jump in surprise. "Get us the tazer on the table or Aaron won't be the only one being tortured."

His face pales, and he immediately rushes over to the table, even using his wings to get there faster. He holds it out to the blonde, but she simply shakes her head and takes a step back, letting a dry smile rise to her thin, chapped lips.

"You have to use it on him," Angela states, the amusement heavily evident in her voice. What kind of sadistic bitches are these two!?

The demon version of my dad locks gazes with me, and I can see the desperation in his eyes. They have something huge that they're using against him.

"Do it or your beloved will suffer," the blonde adds, and Arthur's eyes go wide with worry. He swallows and steps towards me, hesitantly raising the tazer and pointing it at me. So that's what this is about. They have the one he loves captured...

Still looking distraught, Arthur's brows clench together in pain. He doesn't want this anymore than I do. I glance to the two women and sigh. "Do it," I say quietly. He looks surprised, as if he can't believe what I just said. I repeat the phrase, giving him a nod of approval. He returns the gesture, and I cringe in pain as large waves of voltage pass through my body. The feeling is indescribable, and I feel my body spasm in spite of my trying to fight it. One of the things that werewolves are not immune to is electricity. The stuff is deadly to practically anyone, excluding kitsunes, the tricky bastards. The shock causes me to lose control of my bladder, making my pants wet and warm with a certain disgusting liquid. God, I hate tazers. Even though I knew that was coming, I still find myself perturbed by it.

Still, nothing really has an affect on me emotionally. I'm too busy wallowing in the guilt of getting Thomas killed by his ex. Then again, if he dated anyone she'd probably come to the same result with whoever they were. I can only hope that this was meant to happen and that, wherever he is, he's happy. 

"I'm sorry," he whispers, voice breaking. I nod, biting my lip as I try to shut out all the physical and emotional pain. I just want James so badly right now that it's killing me more than the torture ever could. 

"It's okay," I whisper back, and he nods, shutting his eyes closed as he starts to silently cry. I can feel his pain. I just want some peace, too.

"Now the machete," the blonde orders, having picked up the weapon. She hands it to the shaking demon with a look of distaste.

"But," the demon responds, a voice almost exactly like my father's ringing through the air. He sounds so heartbroken, and I feel for him.

As if on cue, the minute the blonde woman opens her mouth, an explosion rings through the air and the corner of the ceiling by the weaponry table falls apart, allowing a hole to form. Apparently, all of my pack decided to crash the party, judging by the way they all fall through the hole and land with their weapons poised.

"How could you?" my Papa accuses, staring at the demon version of himself with hurt in his eyes.

The demon version sobs loudly. "They had Alfred hostage. I had to do it or they said they'd kill him!" he cries, and I raise an eyebrow. Is there a demon version of my dad, too? This keeps getting weirder and weirder.

My Papa grows a sympathetic look on his face and nods in understanding. He'd do the same if he were in the position. Maybe not to me, but he'd do it to another child. That's what we call a Sophie's choice, kids.

But as my Papa's eyes fall to the blonde woman, a look of horror falls upon his face. Does my Papa know her? Who is she to him? She's old enough to be his mother!


Oh, shit.


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions! I love reading them! They make my day! Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


Forever My Love boyxboy (Sequel to Forever My Hero)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin