Chapter Seventeen

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Capricorn took a deep breath before knocking on Virgo's door.  "Virgo? Do you have a second?"

Virgo opened the door her hair half straightened, "Hey yeah, what's up."

Capricorn couldn't help but laugh, "I like your hair, trying something new?"

"Ha ha very funny, I was in the middle of straightening it, don't judge." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay okay I'm sorry, anyways once you're done, want to go watch a movie or something?"

"Sure it's not like I have anything better to do.  Who's coming with us?"

Capricorn's smile quickly faded, "I- um nobody. I thought we could go, just the two of us?"

Her eyes widened but she nodded nonetheless, "alright see you in an..hour?" She then closed her door and leaned against it.

She took a deep breath, she was confused on wether this was considered a date or not, she surely hoped it wasn't.


"Okay relax it's not a big deal." Sagittarius said munching on a bag of Cheetos.

"Not a big deal?! You two practically forced me to ask her out. I don't even know what movie we're gonna watch! God this was a mistake, I should have never listened to you two idiots."

"Okay first of all, no need to call us idiots. And second of all, stop overthinking things. Just check what movies are currently available." Taurus said as he was flipping through the tv channels.

"And if nothing interesting is on when we go?"

"Then have lunch first then watch something, it isn't rocket science dude."

Capricorn let out an exhausted sigh and fell on the couch.

Just then Scorpio walked in with Pisces. "Whoa why does Capricorn look like he's done with life in general?"

Capricorn glared at her. While Sagittarius laughed, "he's panicking about his date with Virgo."

"Sagittarius! Man what's wrong with you?! This is the second time."

"Ah so you finally asked her out? Took you long enough. What? Don't look so shocked everyone knew something was going on between you two."

Scorpio stayed quiet during the entire conversation.

"Ugh whatever, what should I wear?"

Pisces snorted, "You're such a girl. Scorpio help him out, you're the most stylish here."

Scorpio just glanced at them and scoffed then continued scrolling through his phone.

Taurus kicked him playfully, "what's up with you?"

"Nothing it's you even like her Cap?" Capricorn nodded furiously.

"Since when?"

Cap shrugged, "For a while, now will you help me?"

"Fine whatever, just hurry up." Scorpio headed upstairs to Capricorn's room.


"You fucking idiot, I said let go of your right arm not your left!"

"Goddammit I'm sorry, this shit is confusing."

Leo and Aries were currently playing 'Heave Ho' and by playing I mean raging.

Libra silently walked into the room and sat on the ground without them noticing.

"It's really not, you're just bad at everything you do."

"Says the guy that had to use the balloon thingie to win the last level."

"That's because you yeeted me all the way back to the beginning!"


"Ehem." A voice came from the other side of the room making the boys jump and fall on the ground.

"Noooo we died."

"Libra? Wha- why are you here?"

She simply shrugged, "I was bored and all the others are busy watching Capricorn do a fashion show."

"Fashion show? I wanna see that." Leo then sprinted out of the room and went downstairs. "No!! Green is so not your color Cap, come on buddy let's fix you up."

"Wait Leo. Nooo I don't have time anymore."

"Leo leave him, he has to leave in five minutes!"

"Leo, you're doing great sweetie. Take your time."

Screaming could be heard from downstairs.

Aries blinked, "what just happened?"

"Great that worked, I have to talk to you."

"Huh? Wait you meant to chase him away?" Libra smiled innocently.

"Okay then. What's up?"

"I know it's not my place to say this, but I hate the tension in the house currently so could you, by any chance, apologize to Gem?"

"You can't be serious right now." He continued once he saw her serious expression, "I'm not going to apologize to her!"

"Why not? From what I could tell, you're the one that fucked up."

"I mean yeah what I did was wrong, doesn't mean she deserves an apology."

"Everyone keeps saying that Gemini's a bitch, what did she do? Like I'm genuinely asking."

Aries stayed silent for a while, "before you came she made me Pisces and Leo part of her group. Our group was known for being the mean popular kids. We were full of ourselves and made fun of others, especially the ones that live here with us."

"And? I mean your entire group was rude, so why is she the most hated?"

"Because she has this confidence that people are intimidated by, and yeah I admit it's dumb...oh fuck you, now I feel bad."

"What? That's all I had to say for you to realize that everyone here is being stupid?"

"Listen, I know I can be a dick sometimes, sometimes I'm worse than Gemini, but I'm trying to change, I really am. But even if I apologize it's not like she'll be friends with me again."

"Try. Let her know that you're sorry."


Cancer slowly opened Aqua's bedroom door. "Hi Aqua you busy?"

Aqua shook her head and closed her Math book, "nah I needed a break anyways." Then her eyebrows furrowed when she saw Gemini standing next to Cancer.

"Gemini and I had an idea."

Aquarius tapped on her bed telling them to sit.

"We were thinking about having a girls night. You know with everything that's happening, it'll be a nice escape in a way."

Aquarius looked at Gemini, "And you and Pisces?"

"Don't worry about that. We can buy some snacks, watch a movie or two, gossip, have a pillow fight, and um braid eachother's hair."

"You know, a typical teenage girl sleepover." Cancer added.

Aquarius thought about it then smiled, "yeah we could use a drama free night. I'll talk to the others tomorrow."

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