Chapter Fifteen

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"Pi, I'm scared..."

"W-who is that?"

"No... you don't have to do this!"

"Pisces! Please...Please don't go."


"I love you Luna please remember that-"

Pisces woke up terrified, she took a deep breath, and wiped away her tears. She had a nightmare about this girl called Luna again.

She didn't have a clue what the dream meant or who Luna is, yet she couldn't help but have an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

She got up and headed to the bathroom and washed her face and took a relaxing bath.

After about forty minutes, she put on her maroon shirt and her dark blue jean shorts and headed downstairs.

"Uh guys, I'm heading to Burger King, anyone wanna join?"  She asked the others who were chilling in the living room.

"You literally just woke up." Scorpio chuckled.

"Yeah but I overslept, like big time, it's 2 pm. So nobody wants to come? Fine."

"Wait, actually I need to pick up something from a place nearby, let me just grab my jacket." Libra said as she quickly ran upstairs to get her jacket and wallet.

"Yeah I'm down to eat some fries,I'll come."

"Hey Virgo, since you're already going and I'm way too comfy here, can you get me a Burger? Any burger I don't care." Taurus looked at her pleadingly and even gave her his best puppy eyes. Virgo couldn't resist his cute baby face so she reluctantly accepted.

"Alright let's go." Libra said opening the door for the two other girls.

"Tomorrow's Monday..." Leo said a couple minutes after the girls left. Capricorn just looked at him weirdly.

"Yeah, and the day after that is Tuesday and the day after Tuesday is Wednesday. What's your point."

Leo rolled his eyes, "My point is that, I don't want to go to school again!"

"And honestly Leo, nobody gives a shit what you want."

"No I'm with Leo on this one, let's ditch tomorrow." Aries said getting up, feeling enthusiastic. Upon hearing that Leo smiled and stood up next to him.

"So, my people. Our fate lays in your hands."

Sagittarius couldn't help but laugh, "I mean I know I generally come off as naturally dumb, but I think I speak on behalf of all of us when I say that you two should sit your nasty ass back down and shut the fuck up."

"What? Why?"

"Have you two forgotten that our exams are next week? Like come on, you have to have one single brain cell left."

"Ha jokes on you Capricorn, we both have one single brain cell combined." Leo said confidently and Aries nodded his head while patting his friends back.

"...that just means that individually you guys have half a brain cell." Cancer said confusing Aquarius even more.

"Yes exactly-oh wait...Aries is that a good thing?" Aries shook his head, "I don't think so."

Scorpio could not believe this was actually happening, "I literally did not think it was possible for somebody to be this dumb. Anyways we're not ditching."

Taurus just raised his hand from the back like an idiot, "I would like to ditch."

Gemini glared at him, "This conversation is dumb, you're going, end of story."

"Okay." He didn't even try to fight back.

"Okay moving on.... Scorpio." Sagittarius got up and sat beside the pissed off scorpion.


"Why were you mad yesterday?" Sagittarius said in a baby voice.

"As I said before, I was pissed, I still am. So I will punch that dumb looking face of yours if you don't shut up." Sagittarius gulped and the entire room grew silent.

"Nah just kidding, but I wasn't in the mood yesterday that's all.." I mean he wasn't completely lying.

Sagittarius exhaled feeling relieved, "phew, you had me scared for a second." Scorpio was about to reply but Aquarius said.

"I thought we were digging my grave." Then Sagittarius quickly caught on and added.

"We did, what you don't like being afraid?"

Gemini thought this was stupid but she couldn't help but smile since she knew what they were doing, "It's a dose of your own medicine, what you don't like how its tastes?" She said in a monotone voice.

Scorpio, Cancer and Capricorn looked at them confused and weirded out.

Then Taurus, Aries, and Leo sang together, "My therapist told me don't burry my issues, but imma be honest man, I'm feeling great."

"Okay mind telling us what the fuck just happened?" Cancer said angry that she couldn't join them.

"Oh don't be mad Cancy, it's a song by NF." Taurus said pulling the three uncultured losers in for a hug.

"I hate you all."


Pisces, Virgo and Libra were in Burger king's parking lot.

"Alright, so you two head inside and get your orders, and we'll meet up back here okay?" Virgo nodded while Pisces shrugged.

"What is it that your getting again?" Pisces asked.

"Oh well, I need some painkillers for my braces. I'm all out." Libra said, she knew it was a believable lie.

"Yeah okay, want us to get you anything?" Libra just shook her head and muttered a thank you and left.

"So what the hell should I get Taurus?" Virgo was looking through the menu that was behind the cashier, who looked annoyed since they were taking forever to order.

"Get him the chicken royal, that's what I'm gonna get. It's really good."

"Yeah that's exactly why I don't wanna get him that. Hmm oh I know, I'd like to order a chicken royal meal and a big fish sandwich please."

They Cashier sighed and thanked the lord and quickly started preparing their food.

"Fish? Doesn't he hate that?"

Virgo nodded and smirked evilly, "He told me to get him any burger, and he isn't even paying me. So ofcourse I'm not gonna get him something he likes."

"You're evil I swear." Pisces laughed and then they waited for their order.

Libra entered the pharmacy where she was supposed to get some painkillers but she already had a pack of them back in the mansion, she was here for a different reason.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A girl that looked in her mid twenties said.

"Hi, um I was wondering if Alex was here?" The girl looked at her confused but nodded nonetheless.

"Uh yeah, I'll get him for you, one second please."

Libra waited anxiously, and observed as people came in and out.

"Libra." She looked up and smiled at the guy standing infront of her.


Alex sighed and looked at her with a hurt expression on his face, "You can't keep doing this."

Libra looked down, ashamed, "I know, but last time, I promise."

"That's what you said the past two times." He continued talking once she didn't reply.

"Last time, and I actually mean it this time." He said as he handed her a pack of Phentermine. "Take care of yourself, please."

Libra nodded, "I will, thank you." And with that she headed back to parking lot and waited for the other two.

Sorry if you didn't understand that reference, I just got carried away I guess lmao. Thanks for reading <3

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