Chapter Fourteen

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The signs split up after breakfast ended. Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn were by the pool.

"Come on dude, I'll go easy on you." Sagittarius was currently trying to race Scorpio but Scorpio was not in the mood.

"Stop, I already said no." With that said, he laid his head down on the poolside chair. But of course, relaxation is basically forbidden in the zodiac mansion.

Capricorn had pushed the entire chair, with Scorpio on it, in the pool. "Cheer up, bud. Life's too short to be negative all the time. Enjoy the little things."

A clap was heard from behind Capricorn, "Damn, who knew you were such a poet." Aqua said as she walked in with Cancer following behind her, "Anyways CANNONBALL" She said before taking off her shirt and jumping in the pool, making sure she splashed both Cap and Cancer.

Scorpio resurfaced and glared at all of the people in the room "Do you guys ever get tired? Do you have to hyperactive all the dam time?!" Then he got up and went back to his house.

"What's got his panties in a twist?" Sagittarius looked at Aqua and shrugged.

"He's Scorpio, mood swings are normal for him."

"Yeah, but he was joking not even a few minutes ago." Capricorn said before he got dragged in the pool by the two other idiotic signs.

Cancer looked at the door and mumbled something about checking up on him. She entered the living room and found Pisces sitting on the couch with her head in between her hands, and Scorpio was sitting next to her, both of them not saying anything.

Cancer sighed and sat on the opposite couch "Are you two okay?" Pisces just rolled her eyes while Scorpio gave her a tiny smile.

"Yeah sorry I yelled at you earlier Cancer." "Oh it's fine, just wanted to make sure you're alright."


Aries and Leo were in the kitchen talking about the entire Gemini situation.

"I don't know man,  she actually seems sad." Leo said looking out the window watching how Gem sat alone, listening to music.

"I seriously doubt that, it was clear that our relationship was merely for the sake of our reputation at school."

Leo just looked at him unimpressed and sat down opposite of him, "Yeah but you said it yourself, it's a relationship. Meaning you can't sleep with other girls, especially her best friend."

Aries sighed and rubbed his temple, "Maybe she's sad because Pisces betrayed her?"

"Dude, it takes two to tango, you're both to blame here. Not only Pisces."

Then all of a sudden Taurus walked in followed by Libra.

"Sorry couldn't but overhear-"                                                                                                                          "Nonsense he was eavesdropping." Taurus just glared at Libra and punched her lightly on the shoulder.

"Ignore her, anyways, did you like have sex with Pisces behind Gem's back?"

Aries rolled his eyes and took a sip of his coffee, "What's  it to you?"

Taurus shrugged and looked at him waiting for a legit answer.                                                                         "Fine yeah, happy  now?"

"That's pretty fucked up not gonna lie." Libra said taking a seat next to Aries.

"You don't say. Why are you two here anyways?"

"We were bored and decided to hang out with our besties" Leo chuckled at that and shook his head not believing a word they were saying but decided to ignore it. The four of them chatted for a while until Libra got up to get a glass of water and nearly fainted.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" Libra just nodded and thanked Aries for catching her.

"Just felt dizzy  all of a sudden, I'll just go take a nap or something." And with that she left leaving behind a worried Aries.


It was currently 5 pm and Capricorn and Sagittarius were the only two next to the pool.

"So buddy, what's the deal with you and Aqua?" Sagittarius got nervous all of a sudden.

"N-nothing. What are you talking about?"

"Well you like her don't you?"

"W-WHAT?!O-of course not, ew why the hell would I like someone like her?"

Capricorn knew he was lying, it didn't need a genius to figure out that he was head over heels for her. He was simply in denial.

"What about you, what's up with Virgo?"

"I'm not supposed to tell anybody, but fuck I need your help man"  Sagittarius urged him to continue, "So we've been hooking up, right? She always says that there are no feelings involved. But I really like her."

"Dude I say just go for it. And if she rejects you and says she's not ready don't pressure her into anything, after what Leo did to her I wouldn't be surprised if she's still scared of commitment." Capricorn just nodded and decided that he would confess tomorrow and hoped for the best.

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