Chapter Eight: Movie Night

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"I'm boooooored" Taurus said as he jumped on the couch.

It's been a week since the Zodiacs moved into the mansion. A week full of drama and chaos between 12 hormonal teenagers.

"How about we have a pool party?" Leo said wide-eyed cause he just had a brilliant idea.




"You're no fun Virgo"

"Shut it both of you. We're not gonna have a pool party it's freezing outside. We'll just have a movie night."

"I have alot of movie recommendations ." Cancer said excitedly as she ran to her room to get ready, not before giving Aries a hug for suggesting a movie night.

"Hey bitch! Don't touch my boyfriend ever again!" Gemini yelled at her even though she didn't really care.

"Okay everyone go get ready, I guess."

"Capricorn get ready for what? We're having a movie night, in our pajamas, we ARE ready."

"Fine. Whoever wants to get ready, go. While ,Sagittarius helps Aqua with snacks."

"I don't want to help. Wait Aqua ? I haven't annoyed her for a while now." Soon after that Sagittarius ran into the kitchen and started annoying the living crap out of Aquarius.


Soon after, all the Zodiacs were sitting in the living room. Some cuddled up, and some completely isolated.
*cough* Capricorn *cough*

"Okay so what movie shall we start with?" Sagittarius said already shoving popcorn in his mouth.

"I was thinking Paper Towns?"Virgo said getting comfy in the seat next to Scorpio.

Aries violently shook his head "No way, I wanna watch endgame."

"Well I already watched it, so if you guys are cool with spoilers then sure, endgame it is."

"We're watching endgame, and if you say one word Sagittarius, I'll choke you with your own popcorn." Aquarius threatened real quickly.

"Kinky" Leo winked.

Scorpio just rolled his eyes and started the movie as they all cuddled up together, even Capricorn because Taurus dragged him by his ear and started cuddling him.

Halfway through the movie, Libra got up and stretched "alright Scorpio wants me to order some food, what do you guys want?"

"Sushi." Pisces nodded her head agreeing with Cancer.

"Sushi? No way, Lib just order burgers."

"Taurus. I. Said. I. Want. Sushi."

Taurus gulped and quickly shut up.

"Well I want pizza. What are you gonna do about that Cancer?" Sagittarius said challenging the tiny crab.

"Oh my god shut up. Libra just get anything. Huh? Libra?" Aries looked around the room but she was gone.

"Nooo she's gonna order Sushiiiiii" Taurus was holding onto Aqua's shoulder and started shaking her violently.

Then Sagittarius started yelling at him to let her go. Aries got pissed because they wouldn't shut up and started yelling ,knocking over Scorpios popcorn by accident. Scorpio also got mad and started yelling. Gemini and Leo got mad at Scorpio , Virgo and Cancer got mad at 'the squad' and the entire room was in complete chaos.

Then Libra walked into the room again calmly and then was shocked by what's happening "I left you guys alone for one minute."

They all looked at her and then pointed at Scorpio "He started it!!"

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