Chapter Sixteen

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God it's been soo long, I'm sorry guys for the wait.

Aquarius woke up more tired than ever. She barely got two hours of sleep if not less.

She forced herself out of bed and took a very much needed shower to wake her up fully then dragged herself downstairs and finally joined the others for breakfast.

"Took you long enough," Gemini then turned to face her properly "holy shit you look like a corpse."

Cancer smiled sweetly and put her hand on her bestie's shoulder "Aqua, honey, did you sleep at all tonight?"

Aqua rolled her eyes, "Barely. I was so stressed out that I couldn't even close my eyes properly."

"Why were you stressed?"

"Our exams. I started studying last week but I can't understand anything. Like all the information is entering one ear and leaving through the other. It's exhausting."

Taurus almost chocked once he heard that, Capricorn had to hit his back, Taurus took a deep breath, "wait our exams are soon?"

Everyone on the table looked at him dumbfounded.

Capricorn broke the silence "Taurus.. our exams start on Monday...we literally talked about this yesterday."

Taurus simply shrugged and took a bite of his toast "hey I'm caught up on all subjects so far, I'll just start reviewing today after school. No biggie."

Aries shook his head still not believing that Taurus usually gets higher grades than all of them, excluding Virgo and Capricorn.

"Anyways ignoring this idiot right here. I can help you study Aqua." Sagittarius said smiling at her.

Aquarius blinked then started laughing, "yeah I think I'll pass but thanks." Then she got up and left to grab her bag and leave.

Sagittarius sat there pissed at the fact that they think he's that stupid. It's not like he fails, in fact he hadn't failed any subject for almost two years now. But nobody ever took him seriously because of his playful manner.

He chugged his juice and finally noticed how everyone had already left. He sighed and headed towards the door determined to show Aqua that he was more than just a pretty face.


Taurus took a deep breath, "Alright, sit down, please."

Libra did as told and waited patiently for him to explain.
"Okay so for a while now, as in before you even came I've been confused. there was this guy right? His name's well...not important, I used to be close with him, like really close, we were basically bros. He was there for me through ups and downs. Then.."  Taurus stopped for a second and fixed his sitting position.

"Then he invited me to his birthday party, he was popular which meant that it was crowded, and everyone was drunk and so was he. It was his first time drinking as well. So I took him to his room to make sure he was safe and stayed with him for a while, we chatted and whatever. I don't know what we were talking about but he suddenly started laughing adorably and I don't know what got over me but I... I kissed him."

"Then he pushed me away and started calling me disgusting and a-a faggot" Taurus was full on crying by now, "and how he didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I decided to leave and go home after that and give him some space, and till this day he still doesn't talk to me and sends me nasty glares whenever I walk past him."

"I tried to push these feeling aside and I tried dating girls which was not horrible mind you. But they weren't the same, they didn't make me feel the same way I did with him. So I was starting to accept the fact that..well I'm gay...But then you came. And made me confused all over again."

Libra just sat there speechless, not knowing what to say. Taurus just shook his head after that, "so there now you know, can you keep this a secret please?" Libra nodded her head almost immediately and ran over and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, "thanks, and um yeah I'm going to get a snack wanna come with?" Libra nodded and then they both left the room.

Taurus sighed as he remembered what he had said a few days ago, and after all that he was still confused, he thought that after telling her she would act differently, but no, she acted as if that day didn't happen at all. And that was even worse than her reacting badly to it.

Taurus walked past the cafeteria not really in the mood to join the others, he was heading to the library seeing as it was mostly empty this time around. While on his way he spotted Sagittarius and Capricorn near some lockers, he wanted to avoid them but once he saw the distress look on Cap's face he headed over to them.

"Hey guys." Sagittarius looked at Taurus and gave him a tiny smile which quickly turned into a frown once he heard Capricorn slam his locker shut.

"Why aren't you with the others?" Capricorn eyed Taurus while the boy just shrugged, "Just needed some space I guess, anyways what's wrong."

Capricorn shook his head, "nothing. Um question before you leave, what was Virgo doing?"

"I don't really know, pretty sure she's in the cafeteria."

"Who's with her?"

"Everyone but us? Dude I don't know I wasn't with them. Why are you asking?"

"Nothing no reason."

Sagittarius sighed, "He's scared that Leo will take Virgo from him."

Capricorn looked at his with wide eyes, "Dude! Why would you say that?!"

"Stop being a baby Cap, Taurus is our best friend he deserves to know why you're acting like this."

"Doesn't give you the right to tell him."

Sagittarius ignored him, "Talk to her."

"I have no idea what you guys mean but if you like her then I think now would be a good time to make your move. Not that it's guaranteed to get you anywhere" Taurus said bitterly.

Capricorn sighed and told Taurus everything that's been happening with Virgo.

"Oh in that case. Just like Sagittarius said, talk to her, tell her you like her what's the worst that could happen? She rejects you and you guys are back to being friends."

Capricorn looked at the both of them from a moment before leaving, "I'll see you guys later."

After he left Sagittarius spoke up, "He should tell her otherwise he'll be stuck asking himself 'what if' all the time."

"Love sucks."

"Preach brother, preach."


The Zodiacs finished school and were heading home, Gemini had cheerleading practice so she didn't go with the others.

Cancer waved goodbye to Aquarius and jogged over to Gemini once everyone was out of sight.

"Hey Gem." Gemini raised an eyebrow.


"Do you have a minute?" The girl nodded and they both went and sat on the bleachers.

"Hear me out okay? Pisces... well she's been awfully close to Scorpio lately and -"

"She has?"

"Yeah well she talks to him he answers occasionally but not the point. She also broke your trust, right? I was thinking we could ...prank her."

"Prank her?"

"A small harmless prank. Nothing too serious."

Gemini thought for a moment, "Alright, what's your idea?"

Cancer smirked. One of those evil, sinister smirks.

"Alright so.."

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