Chapter six: The aftermath

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Now that the Zodiacs experienced what it's like to pole dance and get drunk first thing in the morning, they all arrived in front of the mansion wasted as hell except for three.

Aries who was currently fighting with Leo on who gets to choose their room first , got dizzy midway up the stairs leading to entrance of the mansion and fell. Causing Taurus to stumble back trying to hold on to Sagittarius,who was holding on to a sober Capricorn for support, making them all collapse on the hard concrete .

"Look at those idiots, can't even walk properly after a few shots." Scorpio who was holding Libra's arm for support chuckled.

"Says the one who still managed to almost trip even with the assistance of Libra." A sober Virgo said as she helped a tipsy Cancer into the mansion.

"And really Scorp? A few shots?" Libra who only had one shot and was still pretty sober shook her head and headed inside the mansion with the Scorpion next to her.

Once they all entered the mansion, they barely had time to actually notice how big it is, since all the drunk Zodiacs either fell asleep on the huge couch in the middle of the room or went and jumped in the pool without thinking twice... and by that, I mean Leo.

Virgo, Libra, And Capricorn knew the others weren't gonna wake up anytime soon so they decided to go explore and choose their rooms without them.

"Alright so how about the girls get the third floor, and we, guys get the second?"

"Yeah how about no, I'm not going up three floors everyday just to get in and out of my beloved bed." Libra said.

"Yeah I'm with Libra on this one, sorry Cap." Virgo said sending Capricorn a sympathetic smile. Virgo has had a crush on Capricorn for a while now, after Leo decided to ditch her she tried to get over him as much as possible, and that's where Cap comes in.

"It's fine, V. Whatever makes you girls happy." Capricorn smiles and heads over to unpack.

"Well that was strangely kind of him. From what Scorpio told me, Capricorn is more reserved and cold than the others."

"He is but... he has his moments." Virgo says with a lovestruck smile on her face as she spaces off. Very unlike the girl's usual attitude.

Libra just shot her a smirk and headed to her room not wanting to stop the girl from planning her future wedding.

Five hours later, it was almost noon, and the careless,drunk Zodiacs just woke up suffering from a hangover.

"How many times have I told you not to drink too much?!" Aqua yelled holding Cancer's hair back as she puked in the toilet on the second floor.

"Oh shut it Aqua, it's not like-" she puked "like you're any better."
"Hey I'm not the one puking everywhere, yeah I have a headache but that's about it." She rolled her eyes as she continued, "and thanks to you we can't even explore the mansion."

The blonde just groaned clutching her stomach
"Ugh please stop yelling A, you're making it worse." And she puked... again...moving on...


Leo,who fell asleep next to the outdoor swimming pool, woke up more energized than ever. Truth be told, he wasn't even drunk to begin with, but he didn't want to be left out and seen as a goodie two shoes.

He got up and walked back into the living room where Aries,Gemini and Sagittarius just woke up. They were still adjusting to the light and quickly started complaining about their stomachs and headaches. Leo being..well Leo, decided it would be a great idea to jump on a dying Aries.

"Leo get the fuck off me."
"Where's the fun in that? I know you love me, you irresponsible douche."

"Leo I swear if you don't shut up, I'll personally shove your head down a toilet that's been puked in. That's fun right?" Gemini interjected holding her throbbing head.
Sagittarius quickly walked away and searched for aspirin,not wanting to stay with the squad.


Meanwhile the last member of the squad woke up in someone's arms. Apparently, when she was supposedly asleep on the couch next to the others, a tall,muscular boy walked around her and up the stairs.

Pisces wasn't fully asleep just yet, so she got up, careful not to wake anyone up and followed the mysterious stranger up the stairs.

She rubbed her tired eyes, she tried to get up so she can find water and aspirin but something pushed her back, she looked down to find a muscular arm around her waist.

She was shocked to say the least, sure she had hooked up with guys before but not whilst she was drunk, not to mention she couldn't remember actually doing it, so she silently prayed as she looked under the bed cover to find herself completely naked. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes for a minute before she mustered the courage to look at the lucky boy.

And she was surprised when she saw the boy staring at her with the same amount of astonishment.


"Libraaaa, Virgo is being mean!!" Taurus yelled for the tenth time this morning...noon? Eh who cares.

"Taurus,telling Libra isn't gonna make me treat you any better."

"Plus no offense Taurus, Vi is right, you ate 7 pancakes already. We have to leave some for the other troublemakers." Libra said matter of factly.

"But Lib! I was drunk! I deserve to eat more."

"Exactly, you were drunk. You don't even deserve to eat one pancake." Libra chuckled at Virgo's remark and added, "and please just tell me who tf gets drunk at 5 am?! No party beforehand, no nothing."

"Taurus shut the fuck up." Aries said as he entered the kitchen with venom in his voice at the boy who didn't even say anything yet.

"Yeah shut it, and where the hell is the food? Like you two weren't drunk, you didn't eat breakfast?"

"Yes Gemini, we did. Well I did, Libra wasn't hungry."

"Ooookay, and where is that food?" Aries said raising his eyebrows at the virgin.

"In her tummy duh." At that both Virgo and Taurus fell into hysterics.

Aries just shot Libra a glare. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah yeah. Wouldn't kill you to be silly sometimes, anyways Taurus ate them all." And then she ran out of the kitchen leaving the poor boy and a fuming Aries.

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