Chapter Eleven

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Gahh sorry guys for missing alot of updates, but writers block and a shitty month don't mix well. So enjoy this chapter.


Sagittarius, Cancer, and Aquarius were currently at the principals office getting lectured because they forgot to give the exchange students a tour during lunch.

"But we literally talked to one of them, she told us later. You do know what later means right?" Sagittarius said totally forgetting who he was talking to.

"First of all, I'm your superior, respect me or I can send you home right this instant. Secondly, she said that because lunch was already half way done." She sighed and got up heading towards the door to open it.

"That's exactly why, you three are going to head to the courtyard and give them the tour now." And then she basically pushed them out the door ignoring their protests.

"Why do we have to do it? Last time I checked there was 12 of us."

"Whatever just two hours Sagittarius, we got this." Aquarius said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Plus you guys said one of them is hot, so it's an opportunity for you to finally get a girlfriend."

"Finally? I'll have you know I've had plenty of girlfriends." Sagittarius said as he was glaring at Cancer.

"Shut it you two, there they are, Cancer you introduce us."

"What? Why me?"

"You got along with Jenna just fine during lunch."

Cancer groaned and slowly made her way over to the small group. "Hi, I'm Cancer. And that's Sagittarius and that's Aquarius, and we're supposed to give you guys a tour."

One of the guys stood up looking bored as hell "you're late, the tour was supposed to be during lunch."

Cancer was taken aback, she didn't think they would actually be pissed about that. "Yeah we're sorry about that, but we're here now so let's not waste more time."

A girl popped her gum and twirled a strand of her strawberry blonde hair around her finger "can't you just lie to that old thing and tell her you gave us the tour?"

"No can do, now don't make this even more boring than it is, and get up." Sagittarius said eying a girl who had gotten ridiculously close to him.

"Well, aren't you a pretty boy, I'm Callie."

"And he's not interested." Aquarius then suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him away from Callie.

Cancer looked at her and raised her eyebrows in a questioning way.

"I'm not?" Sagittarius whispered , Aquarius just ignored them both and walked back into the school.

"Come one let's finish this thing already."


Shortly the three zodiacs finished the tour just in time to meet the other 9 by the entrance.

"So we're going to that place right?" Aquarius asked

"Yeah we are, let's split into groups so we can fit in the car." Scorpio then picked Capricorn, virgo, Leo and Pisces to go in the first car.

Virgo was the driver, Capricorn sat in the front seat next to her while both Pisces and Leo sat in the back. They were driving the two earth signs crazy with their yelling.
Virgo had enough and put some music hoping that would make them shut up. But shortly after, that plan back fired , seeing as they, accompanied by Capricorn this time began singing obnoxiously.

"I hate you all."

"Love you too Virgin" leo yelled over the music.

Virgo stopped at a red light and turned around slowly, making them cower down in their seats.

She extended her arm and hit Leo's head.

In car two, Aries was driving, Gemini was in the front seat and Libra and Scorpio were in the back. It was rather quiet until Gemini decided to speak up.

"Can you believe what Leo said?"

Aries cocked an eyebrow and quickly turned to face the road again.

"About Pisces, like you'd think she would've told me considering I'm her bestie after all. Like who knew she had it in her to steal a man."

"She didn't steal him, he still is with his girlfriend." Aries said

"What? You knew about this and didn't tell me? Did everyone know?!" She was starting to get mad.

"No no it's just that um"

"Leo never said anything about a break up." Scorpio said joining the conversation.

"Yeah exactly." Aries then sighed of relief.

"I guess. I don't know, this all seems fishy to me, like there's something I'm missing."

"God can we please stop talked about a dumb hookup and put some songs?!" Scorpio looked over at Libra. It wasn't like her to explode. He knew something happened earlier today but he didn't wanna pressure her into telling him.

In the final car, we have Sagittarius in the drivers seat, Taurus next to him. Cancer and Aqua in the back.

They were all discussing...ships.

"I still don't think Taurus and Libra are a good match."
Cancer said to Aqua

"But he said he likes her, right Taur?"

"Y-yeah sure."

"I just don't think it's right. Like friendship wise it's cute, but dating?"

"Then who do you think I should be with?"


"Yeah good luck with that one, pretty sure Virgo and Capricorn are in a no strings attached relationship." Sagittarius chuckled.

"What? Since when?"

"Cancer honey. Are you blind ? They literally make it so obvious sometimes." Aqua said making Taurus laugh.

That's how their car ride went, gossip and major shipping.

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