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A/n: this takes place after the festival just so y'all know btw /: are thoughts and (: is exposition/narration.

Izuku: "Now that the festival is over it's nice to go and relax". "After all this hardcore training I've been doing and that fight with Todoroki I really been in some need for rest".

(After Izuku has been badly injured with is fighting with Todoroki he has been told to take some time off stay with his mother)

Izuku's Mom: "Izuku it's time to get up breakfast is done."

Izuku: "Okay I'll be right there". /I feel like it's been so long since I've gotten a chance to be at home with all this stuff with the league of villains and then the festival things have been feeling intense/ "Okay mom I'm heading out I'll see you later."

Izuku's mom: "Okay be safe."

Izuku: "Ah it feels good to get some fresh air and relax where should I go today, oh I know there is a new cafe that opened recently."

(As Izuku went and headed to the cafe and as he went he couldn't help but feel someone watching always a couple of feet behind but whenever he looked back nothing)

Izuku: "God what is with this feeling I can't get rid of it I-."

Himiko: "ahhhhhh~ look at him so innocent and cute I can't stop thinking about him I can't wait to watch you sleep tonight."

Izuku: "Awe man I can't stand these chills it feels so creepy whatever guess I'll just go home and call it a day."

(Izuku goes home)

Himiko: "Nows my chance to get him while he's sleeping then we can get really close and be together."

Izuku: "Ah my bed I can finally sleep". Zzz.

Himiko: "NOW!"

(She quickly jumps on top of Izuku while she covers his mouth in a cloth-covered in chloroform until he slowly falls asleep)

(Izuku awakes to a strange place but can't quite make out where he is)

Izuku: "uhh my head what's going on where am I what is this place."

Himiko: "Well well well look who decided to wake up from his nap good morning sleepy head you've been down for awhile it's amazing even while your asleep you still look so cute."

Izuku: "T-Toga what's going on ugh I can't move."

Himiko: "Well duh silly we wouldn't want you running away hehe~."

Izuku: "What do you want from me villain."

Himiko: "Come on I thought I'd be obvious I want you silly~."

Izuku: "W-what do you mean you're absolutely insane."

(After Izuku spoke those very words Himiko's smile turns to a frown)

Himiko: " You sound just like everyone else saying I'm crazy or that my quirk is absolutely disgusting all you stupid kids at that school piss me off some people can't be hero's no matter how much they want when people look at me because of my quirk they throw me away like I'm trash just like my parents did good riddance I say, they weren't much anyway."

(As Izuku hears all of this coming out of Toga's mouth he can't help but feel bad)

Izuku: /This girl, maybe she isn't evil, it seems that she's just misunderstood no ones ever given her a chance and look at me like I'm any better/. "I don't think you're trash I think you could've been a hero and that you have amazing capabilities with your quirk the application is virtually limitless you could use it for recon or surveillance."

Himiko: "I knew that you were different then everyone else that's why when I first saw you I knew I loved you Izuku!"

Izuku: "Ok listen could you untie me please I promise I won't run away but I'm going to need you to come with me."

A/n: what do you guy think of this story I wrote a while back as more of a test run type thing to see if it would do well it did pretty good and I felt like writing again should I keep going let me know

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