Jigsaw Solved!

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             Stephen walked down the hallways. Iron  door shunned any criminal from escaping but this time he was happy to be here. He needed to talk to Harry.

             The officer lead him to a glass window and told him to wait.  Then Harry walked up on the other side of the glass. Still in his Goblin outfit, he looked like he hadn't slept all night. Probably hadn't.

                           He sat down right in front of Stephen. "What are you doing here?" 

"I'm asking the questions. The only one that matters. When is Goblin going to strike?" Stephen asked.

              "Get outta here man! He's gonna kill you!" He yelled.

"He already tried a thousand times over. I'm alittle worried about everyone else. That's why you need to tell me when he'll do it." Stephen said.

    "No! You don't get it! He's not just going kill you in the way you think. He's going to make you kill yourself!" Harry said.

       Stephen raised an eyebrow." Harry, Calm down. Take a deep breath. THink. Just tell me when Goblin's gonna attack the city?: HOW is he going to attack it?"

    "No, you idiot! Listen, he's going to kill them. He's going to kill them all. Not just the city but EVERYONE!" Harry yelled he tried breaking the glass but police came running in pulling him away fro mthe glass.

         "NO, no he'll come for me too! You gotta stop him. He'll come for you and m-me. " Harry yelled. "The Serum wll kick in! I'll become the Goblin again."

                       Stephen let the guards drag him away. He'd been no help.  After delivering him from the Goblin. And all he could do was whine. 

                      Harry rolled back into his cell. 

"No, let me out!" Harry slammed his fist into the door, denting it.

        He slid down the door. He wanted stop his father. He wanted to help his father.



    Stephen walked into his room out of uniform. He layed on his bed. He was thinking. He couldn't get the Goblin off his mind. 

His boasting, his arrogance, his pride. He had a right to those.

       Another question pounded his mind. How come that Goblin gas that knocked him out didn't transform him?

  Stephen fell asleep on his bed. But this time he didn't dream. He heard Goblin's voice telling him something in the darkness.

   Stephen at first didn't want to hear any of it. All it was Goblin's talking.  Then why did he get the feeling Goblin was telling him everything he needed to know?

             Stephen stopped trying to block out Goblin's words. Instead he listened closely.

"You know what he's going to do." Goblin's voice played liek a taped recorder. "The first thing he's going to do is kill you."

Stephen listened closely.

"He's going to see his son as an embarrassment to himself...." Goblin cackled.

The line between genius and insanity is often......blurred.

Two angels screwing in the stratosphere....A constellation of black holes.....A biological process beyond that ofthe conception of man....and a Jewish Ventriloquist act locked in the trunk of a red chevrolet

Poisson D' Avril....April Fish.

We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad. You must be....or you wouldn't have come here.

Now, Arachnid...run. Run. The game ends at midnight, run! RUN!

The Arachnid can save people from fire, take down villians, even possibly stop a gangland threat but can't even stop one single bomb to his girlfriend at least?

       "Stop!" Stephen's world froze as he opened his eyes. "Gangland threat? I've never dealt with a gangland threat. At least.........not entirely." Stephen went over every word he just heard. 

       April Fish?

  Does it mean anything?

But Goblin made a big one when he said gangland war. Stephen now jsut found a big piece of the puzzle.

Leaving only two more questions.

What's this about Black Holes and April Fish?

And what kept Stephen from not turning into an animal himself.

       Stephen thought he'd find an answer for this at the Oscorp/Alchemax science labs.


    "Well, I'd have to say I don't normally allow visitors to the labs." The scientist told Stephen.

"It's for some work. I just need a few minnutes." Stephen said.

     Tell you what. It's lunchtime." The scientist said. "If it's for your school I'll give you a 5 minute interview." The man smiled.

      Stephen took it " Sure" He smiled back.

The scientist lead him past the doors.

   "Now these spiders over here are..." 

"Actually, doctor. The ones that my class went to see were right over......" Stephen turned around and was awe struck.

 "My God." He said in awe. "How many are they're?"

"About 3 million approximately." The scientist grinned.

    "Funny. There were only 18 when I saw them." Stephen gaped.

"Well, they breeded." The scientist looked up and saw exhibits about the size of aquariums filled with genetically altered spiders. "They found they're mates and reproduced over the past month. They've surprisingly lasted long. Longer than a normal spider. We think that these actually keys to future science such as immortality, becoming impervious to disease, regeneration." The scientist rambled on.

      Stephen looked at one of the spiders. It seemed to be fighting the other spiders over food but one thing was different about him. As soon as Stephen started to think about that particualr spider, it calmed down.  Then it become more docile.

   Then Stephen stopped his concentration on the spider. He remembered the scientist telling him something. He knew now what had stopped him from getting the Goblin's effects!

   He ran out the building to the nearest newspaper machine. He needed one more thing.

The headline read:

                                                               Oscorp Auction

                     All Oscorp good will be bidded by various military leaders of the U.N. on  April 1st

Stephen looked at his watch. It was all an act! The Goblin tricked him. The day he was almost driven mad wasn't April first. But the Fish was his clue. 

   April Fish.

He looked at the date and time. It was April 1st. The sale was today. He was pretty sure Raven would have the last bit of information he needed to stitch it up. April Fools Day was today!

He ran off to the tower with one thing on his mind: fish

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