The New Life

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       "So, David, let me show you the crew we're working with." Mr. Osborn walked through the room, showing off his team. "First our Alchemax assistance team."

      "What's Alchemax?" David asked.

       "Alchemax is a company that specializes in chemicals and advanced tech. We have agreed to a partnership with the headmaster of Alchemax. Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius has agreed and there are certain steriodic chemicals in here that were kindly donated from Alchemax. This project would've been nothing without them. Here, this is Mr. Rodrick Kingsly- Professor in Nanotechnology." David shook hands with the professor.

      "Mr. Kron Stone- Ph.D in muscle growth and mutation." Osborn continued. David shook his hand as well.

       "And last but most certainly not least. Serena Patel - Special in all technology. Science is her religion." David smiled and shook her hand.

      "Now that you've met the Alchemax team you'll learn to know everyone else. Now to the project. David, son....." he said putting an arm around him.

      "The pinnacle of the New Age is this." and with that he pushed a button and about a dozen green viles arose from the desktop. David raised his eyebrows.

       "Now everyone, let's get to work. We have some officers coming from the Pentagon tomorrow to see into this new chemical as a posssibility for a breed of super soldiers. No experiments. Come on, we need it perfected by 12:00 tomorrow. Let's get it done. David let me show you what you will be doing for the project. Here." Osborn brought him to a computer. "Now whenever someone says they've found a flaw, you put it in this bracket labeled 'Bugs'. For finding anything unknown in here, the bracket labeled 'Unknown.' If anyone finds anything they'll read this chart and will add what they need to add and extract what they need to extract. Got it? It's simple. And that's just for now. We'll find something else for you after this is taken care of."

      It seemed so innocent and simple. He got on the computer and started labeling what was already written on the sheets.


      The bell rang and Stephen rushed out the room. He was ready to go home. School was easier than he would've expected it to be if he hadn't had to archenemies at his back all day long.

Algebra and Homework.

This was gonna be some night. He looked at his watch and saw 4:30. He had to be home by 6:00.

      "Stephen!" Jonathan, Harry, and Terra ran up to him.

      "You about to go?" Harry asked.

       "Yep." Stephen replied. Jonathan and Harry looked at each other and smiled. Then the splatted Stephen with water balloons. Stephen was distraught. "What the hey!" he said. Terra laughed.

      "The initiation for new students."

      "Terra!" Stephen looked behind him and saw the little green man come running up.

      "Whoop, gotta go. My boyfriend's here. Coming, Beast Boy." she called and took off after him.

      "So that's his name." Stephen spoke up.

       "You never knew his name?" Jonathan asked.

      "Nope, but never mind that. I wanted to try something," he began to walk down the hall. But Jonathan knew what he was walking toward.

      "No, no, no, no no, no no, you do not want to do that." Jonathan tried to block Stephen. "Why?" As he opened the door.

      "Oh, boy." Jonathan sucked in his saliva as Stephen entered. The floors were lined with karate students in white tunics. Some wore white belts, others purple, few were black. And one of them Stephen recognized. It was the gloomy boy who was staring at him in class.

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