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Jay snuck around backroads and alleys to avoid the frightened public. He 

had reached his police station through his back  door and walked in. The place was in complete shambles. He peaked out the blind windows quietly and saw police bodies out in the street s and in his own parking lot.  The Oscorp building overshadowed his three-story police station. People where rioting and the police had been overtaken. The only bulk he had, by now  went completely beserk on him. Hugo had destroyed an entire complex and murdered thousands of innocent women and children. Family members of the Goblin gang members.

    Jay shook his head at Hugo's act of revolt and violence.

Then he heard a sound. He turned his head and crouched.  Jay peaked his head behind the desk. There he saw Jonas  Harrow walk in the room.  Scruff all over his face, and skin pure pale. He almost looked Albino.  He had a shotgun in his hand. A pump gage. He turned his head like a drunkard and lumbered back into the dark hallway from which he came. 

Jay seized the chance to take him down.  Jonas turned around at the sound of Jay's footsteps, but Jay already crashed his own body into Jonas's back. 

Dropping the shotgun. Jonas through Jay off. Being fueled by Chlorax, it wasn't that hard. Jonas grabbed Jay by the back and tried to through him through the hallway wall. Jay was slammed against the wall. Jay struggled but Jonas punched him and let him sink on the wall. 

    Jay saw Jonas about to kick him. But in a quick flash, Jay jumped for jonas's shotgun. Jay swung it around like a bat and it knocked across Jonas's leg. Jonas screamed in pain. Jay finished the business by swinging the butt of the shotgun around Jonas's head.

Jay rushed up the staris to get on the roof. But that was only in the unstable faith that Jonas was the only one in the building. He looked at his watch. He had been up all night. 3:30.


Stephen looked around for Osborn. He had flown out this humungous hole his glider made, but he wasn't here. Stephen saw puffs of green fog in the city streets. The Chlorax was leaking in the street, causing tensions of violent nature. People were stealing, killing, and destroying.

   It was coming from Oscorp!  The factory needed to be destroyed. Stephen needed to find someone who could take care of that. He jumped and swung across the street and landed at the police Station. 

He would leave a message.

Then Jay walked through the door. Stephen was about to explain how he was going to need his help whe he remembered one small detail...

His mask was in shreds.

   Jay stopped i nthe doorway! Eyes widening. Oh this isn't good. 

But Jay felt surpirse for a split second....then felt like splitting Stephen's head  in two!

"Stephen!" Jay yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Dad, I know what you msut be thinking, but this is not the time to start up!" Stephen started begging.

"You're in for alot more than just me!" Jay felt like assualting his son. "you could be facing courts! Jail for life! Does that sound like fun?"

"Dad, I need you to calm down."

"Oh, calm down! You lied to me all this time. Cheated, vadnalized this city! and you want me to calm DOWN?!" Jay swung his fist at Stephen but Stephen ducked and grabbed his arm.

"And how do you do that?!" Jay asked.

"Dad, it's a long story. I knwo you probably more furious at me then you ever have been, but this is not the time. Jump City's riding on this. I need you to do something." 

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