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     Night on the waterfront. On the docks, rats scurry about their grim business. Tip from Felicia Hardy brought me here. Looks like she was on to something." Stephen said, as he had just finished running across the rooftops and landed above some gang members. He watched silently as he watched thier blunders.

     "Whoah! It's slipping.!" gang member #1 said, pulling the large box out of the truck. The box dropped and opened up, and out fell the fragment piece.

     "Hey, look at this..." gang member 2# said. "...It's just a hunk of rock. What's all the extra protection for?"

     "The Goblin paying you to ask questions, now?" A recognizable voice asked. Walking up, Hammmerhead cocked his guns.

     "N-no, Hammerhead." gang member #1 stuttered.

    "Then shut up. Goblin says the spider's coming after the tablet, and he wants all measures taken to stop him getting it." he said. Stephen heard it all from above.

     "Hmm, I'm flattered."

     "Now load it in before I lose my cool." Hammerhead growled. The gang members heaved the box into the truck and speed off.

     "Oh, you're going to lose your cool alright." Arachnid shot out webs that stuck on the back of the truck. He speed off in tow of the truck.

    In the review mirror, the gangmembers saw him. "It's him, it's the  Arachnid!"

     "Then stop gawkin' and start throwin' lead!" Hammerhead hollered from the back. A gang member pulled out a shotgun and started to fire  shells. The truck swerved and shook, trying to shake Arachnid off. Arachnid held on even tighter but after awhile he couldn't hold on. Around the next corner, Arachnid was lost into the shadows. The truck stopped at the train station.

     "I think we lost him." The gunman said.

     "Keep your eyes peeled. You see something, shoot first and ask questions never. We're not taking any chances, read me?" Hammerhead asked.

     "Loud and clear boss," was his response. However Arachnid was already watching from above a light pole, watching.

     Hammerhead was greeted by more gang members. "Welcome, boss. We got everything set up for ya."

     "Save it! Mother Hen, we got no time to gag..." Hammerhead was sitting there talking to his henchman, while Arachind was already sitting on bars and poles. He shot his webs out and began to lift the unsuspecting watchman up.  Arachnid lifted him up and wrapped him in webs. Hammerhead payed no mind. "...I got a real important delivery for Mr. Osborn." Arachnid kept his voice no louder than a whisper.

     "Yeah, Hammerhead. And I'm gonna be the one who delays it. I gotta lay low though. Too many tummy guns for my taste. Better hug the shadows for now, unless I wanna get filled full of holes." 

     "Montana, you're with me. We got business to discuss." Hammerhead said.

     "Right, boss." the man replied.

    "You and you watch my back while we're on the move, Savvy?" Hammerhead said, pointing to two other gang members.

     "Right boss." One of them said.

    "Right boss." The other one copied.

     "Ox!" Hammerhead said.

     "Yeah, boss?" Ox replied.

     "Stand there and look stupid. From what I can seen you've had alotta practice. Alright you mutts, Listen up! Osborn wants us to be ready for anything, and Mr. Osborn always knows what's best, deosn't he fellas?" Hammerhead smirked.

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