Goblin's Whereabouts

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  Stephen swang by the Tower. Raven wasn't specific, but this was her home. As ' grounded' as she was Stephen could get to her. Knowing what this meeting was about. She had info on the Goblin. Info he couldn't pass up. He ducked into the darkness. Just in case some other Titans decided to come around.

    He crept slowly towards the Tower door. Then zipped to the roof. He began crawling down a long hallway. He landed to the floor and walked down the stairs hugging the shadows. Then there were two hallways. One with more stairs. The other lead to a door. His Spider sense determined that the Titans were all in there rooms. Becasue all five were behind the door. He walked quietly down the hallway. Then he saw a real bummer.

 5 doors. Which one?

Then he sighed with releif when he saw each had names. It was easy enough to pick the one that said Raven.

He opened the door and quietly walked in. She was on her bed, napping. An open book suggested that's what made her fall asleep. Always worked for Stephen anyway.

  Her quickly cupped his hand around her mouth. ahe jerk up for about half a second then remembered him.  She quietly sat up.

"About time." she said.

   'All that hard work and you forgot I was coming?" Stephen asked.

"Sorry, I assume you know why your here?" Raven asked.

    "Goblin. He needs to be put down. And It needs to happen now." Stephen said.

"Exactly, which Is why I did a little meditation scan of the entire city. Only bits and pieces. I scanned one area. One at a time. The best I could. It kinda took a while" Raven said. "It's not completely accurate. But imagine my surprise when I find alittle strange altered DNA in my psychic scan. It was the Goblin, no doubt. He's at the old carnival."

   "You mena the one where we.... wait, I didn't know you could do that." Arahcnid said in amazment.

Raven broke a sweat " I can't really either.Absobing all those really  thoughts hurt and it was only 35% accurate. Do it again could have alittle.....damage." she smiled and tapped her head.

   Stephen nodded his head. "Good, then we know where Osborn is. So we can go in anytime we choose. I'd do it tonight. If I was...... certain I would win."

    "Why not tonight?" Raven asked.

Stephen hung his head. "I'm not ready. I'm too tired."

   Raven put a hand on his shoulder. " It's Harry, i'sn't it?"

"Yep, you could say that. He's go thimself in a pickle and I've known him for how long? A week?" Stephen shuddered.

"Here, take this." Raven handed him a Titans communicator. "Call me when you need help."

     "If I need help." Stepeh nretorted wqith a smile of his own. then He looked her dresser. Onthere was the heart shaped web, nad that tinsy love ntoe he left from last.

   Raven's face went red. Stepeh nahad to hold in his laughter. "Forgot to put that away?"

She looked away. "Uhh........."

   Stephen exited the room holding hsi laughter. Letting it out it small bursts. Raven smiled. He still loved her. Their relationship isn't over. Plus now the Goblin has finally been found. It was only a matter of. Who will get to who first?

   She grabbed the items and put them in a box under her bed.

"Oops." She chuckled. "Dang."


"Harry."  OSborn said.

His son looked at him.

 "Harry, it is time for the Arachnid to choose to be a hero or villian. Right now he's...in between. He must surpass one final test of survival before moving on. When he passes that test. Make him choose. Make him answer the question he's been avoiding." Goblin tossed a big round  pumpkin size Jack O' Lantern bomb to Harry.

"You know what to do." Goblin said. Harry nodded as he left the room.

Then Osborn light another ciggereette and breathed out the smoke. "And the consequences that go with his choice."


Note from Author: To find out what's ahppening around Titans tower around this time. Read Live to Love, Hope to Die by SnowBright

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