Spider Strickened

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      "Stephen." May knocked on his door. Stephen took his earphones out. 

     "Come in." May opened the door and walked in. She smiled and gave a laugh through her nose. "Working on school with your headphones on?"

      "I'm almost done and I told you I'm a wizard I can do anything." 

     "Found these old clothes in the attic, you can look through them and see what you want the rest we'll just give away." May then walked out of the room. Stephen opened the box. Most of the clothes were dusty and would need to be washed. He didn't enjoy looking through old, nasty stuff. He found an old stylish vest. It looked cool. It was a keeper. He looked and saw an old dusty mask. It will keep him warm during the winter, so why not keep it. Next he found some old black googles. The looked boyish enough even through the white sockets, not bad for swimming.  Next, was a nice dark shirt, the texture was nice and smooth, it fit so he would keep it. Some nice pants, definately a keeper. Then some old steel-toed boots. Yes those were also staying. He dug and found worthless shirts too small for him. Then he found some gloves. He tried them on. They were just the right size. And the weren't small. But not too large. They were perfect. He'll keep those.Then last he found some paint designs. just put paint on it and it stuck to whatever you put on it.He saw dragons, bats and spiders. He'd keep it. He was sort of a pack rat and he might find use for it. He went and gave the box downstairs for the things he didn't want. He went back to bed as he saw David engrossed into his computer. 

     "Good night, bub." Stephen said. David didn't reply. He was too busy as usual. It was usually playing a game, but if Stephen would've payed close attention he was working on his boss's project. They were calling the new chemical Formula99. When in contact with a powerful company as Alchemax, there was nothing but devotion and commitment. He would do his best to impress Mr. Osborn and the officials at the Oscorp foundation. Little did he know this would make a huge difference. He studied the chemical. It was full of unusual chemicals, but he was sure Mr. Osborn knew that. The officials would most certainly approve. He closed his computer and headed for bed. The report was ready and written. Also, it  was good to be honest.


    The class had followed Mrs. Loyd all over the labs. 

     "This is the beetle section, right here we have the rhinoceros beetle. They reach up to 150+ millimeters in length. They are protected from their predators by their size and since they are nocturnal they usually have to be vigilent during the day. They usually have to camouflage under vegatation..."

     Jonathan was right next to Stephen feeling groggy. I mean could anyone be more boring? Stephen looked at his tour list. Next were spiders. He shuddered. He hated spiders. He was scared to death of them. Then he felt Terra bumped his shoulder. 

     "Stephen, we're moving on."  she told him. He pulled out his camera and started taking pictures. Maybe he could pass if he just took looks at the spiders. And you know what they say. Pictures last longer. He began snapping shots hoping that would let him pass. 

     "Ok class we haven't got much time left so I'm gonna let you explore this science exhibit yourselves as long as you stay within the lab rules. No touching." Mrs. Loyd told  her class. "We're leaving in 5 minutes!" Harry caught up with Stephen and Terra. Stephen saw another encasement of spiders. 

     "Look at these kind of spiders and their different colors." Stephen said.

     "They're genectically altered. The result of genetic mutation. Some saw this is the proof of the evolution theory." Harry stated.

Arachnid: NoirTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang