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     OOF! Slade punched the man right in the stomach and kicked him. The man was very large but the gas Slade had sprayed him with had paralysed him. "You left the family with deadly secrets, Hogan. You really think that goes unoticed." he closed his eye and shook his head. The man was paralyzed. He couldn't tell Slade to beat it. But all he could do was struggle. He was barely conscience, with blood dripping down his face and his skull and maybe a few bones shattered, most likely beyond repair.

     "Didn't anyone tell you you never leave your family. There are alotta bad people out there who would love to do anything for money." Slade chuckled with grew into a quiet laugh. The he took his bo staff and began slapping Hogan up for all he was worth. Then he kicked the man under a theatre sign that read: 'The Al Capone Mob.' He tossed a small grenade into the shadows and walked away to let him blow up. No one was there. The family will pay him the quarter of a mill as they promised. Hogan is dead and all is well. But if he had looked more closely someone else was there. And he would've especially if he knew that man was a super-surgeon. The man quickly began to drag the man away.

     Slade turned as soon as he heard scuff noises. "Up top your routine schemes, Slade." He heard Robin say, no doubt the rest of the team was behind him. Robin jumped down off the roof. As the rest of the team began coming down, Slade just scoffed. He pressed the button on his control and the grenade blew up. Robin and the rest of the team jumped back. Slade was pleased. Then he ran into something big. Something huge. He looked up and saw a very large man or monster. The beast jumped over Slade and picked up the injured man and his rescuer and with that he began to climb the building.

     "Whoah!" Robin exclaimed. " Beast boy, Cyborg go after it." Robin looked and saw Slade starting to run. "Titans go!" The chase was on Beast Boy turned into a hawk while Cyborg began smashing through buildings trying to keep up on the ground. The monster headed down the alley and turned right. Cyborg turned right and found nothing. Beast Boy came flying in over head and reached back to the ground, becoming human again.

     "Hey man where'd he go?" Cyborg looked around. "You lost him. Good job." Beast Boy waved his finger at him.

     "Me? I was trying to actually keep up with him and keep an eye on him at the same time, you  did neither." Cyborg growled.

     "I did too!"

     Beast Boy gritted his teeth. "If you did then how come you don't know where he is?" Cyborg asked. "Well, um, ............because you were suppose doing it. Yeah..." Beast Boy said. "Do your sensors pick up anything?"

     "Nope, he's long gone." Cyborg and Beast Boy ran down the alley to catch up with Robin.


     "That was close," the elderly man said. Osborn began laying Hogan on the table. "Can you heal him?" Osborn asked.

     The man began looking over him. "It's not his body as much as it is his head. His brain is ok, but his skull is shattered to pieces." The surgeon said.

      "Jonas, if you can heal him I would be very grateful." Osborn told him.

     "There's one chance." Jonas said.

     "Then take it!" Osborn began to yell. "The mark of revenge is at hand. Soon I will wipe out all those responsible for my loss. I will rise and I will rule this town and every system of the western seaboard. You know what'd that be like Jonas? To control every mean of shipping and transportation on the western seaboard and no one could stop you?"

     Jonas brought out his surgeon tools. "Rather, sir, you will need an army. If you have any of those loyal to you from Oscorp, my first act would be to pull those in as soon as possible. And if I may, sir. You may want a new name. One that sounds more threatening. One that would strike fear into those would wish to stop your plot." Jonas Harrow began to open the man's head and began to pick out the broken bone pieces.

Arachnid: NoirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora