
"But they always tell us the same thing, 'For the bosses revenge', is what they always say when they get caught..."

"So, their boss has issues with your guy's boss then?"

"Could be, if not then it might take us awhile to figure it out. But knowing Dazai, he might get good info by the end of the week."

"Mhm...I'm sure he will."

"Ah shit, of course he didn't buy fucking bread. (Y/N) I'll be back, Dazai forgot the damn bread." He growled, grabbing his shopping bag on the table.

"Okay, see you soon!" I smiled, waving to him as he closed the door behind him. I stood up with my plate in hand, and made my way towards the kitchen. 
I didn't think that I would become great friends with Mafiosos....I'm honestly grateful that they're here for me...

Then all of a sudden I heard the door open behind me, "Hmm, did you forget something-," but I froze....cause the person looking at me wasn't Chuuya...Dazai...Akutagawa....or Oda...

"Why hello there (Y/N)-chan~" the man smiled. He wore a black and red coat, with purple eyes, and shiny black hair. But even as he smiled at me...I knew that there was more then meets the eye.
"I'm just gonna take a seat here." he finally said, grabbing a chair and sitting on it.

"W-Who...are you?" I asked, finally breathing again.
"Me? Hmm...I don't know if Dazai said who I am yet....but I guess you can just call me Mori for now."

"Mori-san doesn't know this happened....but if he does there's a possibility he might kill you."

"M-Mori..." I felt my heart start to beat faster, and my face change to an expression of fear.

"Ah...so he did tell you who I am then." he grinned.

"Yes he has....you're the Port Mafia's boss....Ogai Mori."

"Ding Ding, winner!" he laughed, "I bet you think I'm here to kill you....right?" 

"......and if I am thinking that?" I did my best to try and push my fear back, now making a straight face.

"Ah, well I want you to stop thinking that...for now." he then leaned back into his chair. 
"In all truth and honesty, I think that killing Dazai and punishing him would mean my death....for he probably has a plan in motion for if I found out about you." his eyes turned more emotionless, "So I'm going to give you a choice madam....a choice that only benefits towards you."

"Oh...and what might that be?"

"Simple........" Mori then lifted his arms up, a weird smile on his face, "Join the Port Mafia!" he cried happily.

I blinked a few times before processing what he just said, "Join-the Mafia?"

"Mhm!" he placed his hands back down, "I've heard of all the things you've done in the Police force, you're better then most. Plus if you're with the Mafia, I don't have to worry about you ratting me or my workers out anytime soon."

"Ha...and so I'm guessing if I don't join you you're going to kill me?"

"Oh no, if anything I'll buy you a new home and send you away."


"If kill you, Dazai will probably kill me...or do something worse who knows. But if I just let you leave, send you away, then I won't have to worry about that."

"I-I see..."

"I'm sure you hate it here.....having to keep the secret about you and Dazai-kun's relationship."

(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice....(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now